This product was made to achieve maximum efficiency, and support maximum laziness, while working as a lifeguard. The lead screw design within this product works entirely similar to a car jack and can manually be adjusted in height by using the center-constructed lead screw that is displayed within the design.
Through the thought and development of this assignment, the original goal was to generate a product in need of a lead screw that demonstrated the basic principles of rotational movement as the object moved linearly. The understanding of the process in which a car jack works influenced our idea to drastically increase the size of that model and make it useful for something other than cars or motorcycles. The idea of a car and motorcycle jack, being that they both operate to lift and support heavy objects and prop them into certain positions, led to the concept of doing the same for a lifeguard stand. The idea was sprung from a previous concept of generating a model that lowers a chair into a pool for those who may be elder or disabled. Altering that concept to the idea of the lifeguard stand allowed for a more easily understood design and calculation of how the lead screw comes into play. The equations used are those given within the powerpoint presentations of the lead screw analysis and helped to generate numeric results for how much force is required to operate our machine as well as what type of lead screw would work best for the desired outcome.