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The Tidy Toiletries Case

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Our product will stand the test of time due to its capabilities. The current toiletries case market is flooded with poor and cheap designs. Our priority is quality and efficient design. The pill shaped design of the case is intended to be easy to transport. The size and compactness allows the case to fit in your pocket. Most cases are bulky and aren't designed to fit most of the essential items. Our competitors don't have the customers' needs in mind when it comes to what to fit in the case. We designed the case to hold common items such as a toothbrush and deodorant. We took averages of the sizes for the most common items and made sections for each.

To avoid unsanitary surfaces while traveling we implemented four legs on the bottom of the case. Sanitation is key with toiletry products. The pegs on the bottom were designed in mind to not get caught on anything while transporting.

The clamp on the front of the case is intended to seal the case, preventing leakage and losing your products. We use our patented easy clamp technology to ensure your case is sealed to perfection.

For maintenance the case is easy to disassemble and the parts can be bought separately incase of breakage. Contact our customer support at (704) 111-1111 and they will happily fulfill your request.

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