Peer Project Evaluations!
- Spaces/uppercase: There are no spaces or uppercase letters in file names.
- Underline: Nothing is underlined
- File Management: files are handled well.
- Contrast: The contrast is goo 80% of the time, but like on your home page, you cant really see your title over the photo. also you used some black text in some places.
- Repetition: seems fairly consistent throughout.
- Alignment: seems good.
- Proximity: You dont have anything in any crazy places.
- Validation: buttons exist but they dont work.
- Logo: i think i see a logo but its tiny.
- Favicon: none present
- overall: decent site, just need to polish it up. some of your pages get a little crowded. also your photos are massive and take time to download.
- Spaces/uppercase: There are no spaces or uppercase letters in file names.
- Underline: You have a title underlined on your prices page.
- File Management: files are handled well.
- Contrast: I like the colors you used, it looks very good.
- Repetition: seems fairly consistent throughout.
- Alignment: seems good with the exception of your validation buttons and your designed by logo.
- Proximity: You dont have anything in any crazy places.
- Validation: buttons exist and work.
- Logo: i think your title is also your logo? im cool with it but i think the class wants a seperate logo.
- Favicon: none present
- overall: decent site, i only have two suggestions. one, on your gallery page, make a slideshow, itl make it looks nicer and meet another plugin requirement. and then center your buttons.