John Bass's Jumpy Bat || ITIS3135

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Website Evaluations

UNC Charlotte main page

The page has strong contrast with most of the text being white on dark green or vice versa. The repitition of information is minimal and the page is very concise. The page is layed out vertically, making alignment simple and aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, there is more than sufficient space and buffers being sections, creating a totally uncluttered effect.

John Bass's Crappy Site

This page has very bad contrast, including grey text on white and black text on dark blue. Regarding repitition, there multiple captions on an the the site's image and redundant "page facts." The site's alignment is also horrible; most of the elements are left-aligned with some being centered without reason. The proximity is not terrible in its own rite, as the sections have decent spacing and the page isn't too hard to take in.