About Us
Owen Rettke
I’m Owen Rettke, a mechanical engineering student at UNC Charlotte. I’m hoping to join the motorsports team at UNCC, and eventually I want to be an engineer in the automotive industry. When I'm not at school, I'm either working at the Charlotte Motor Speedway, or I'm spending time with friends and family. For this project, I assisted with the design of the product with a focus on the integration of all the individual components, and I was responsible for the User’s Manual for the product. I also assisted in writing the homepage, along with the product description on the website.

Corbett Webster
I am Corbett, a sophomore undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In this project, I was responsible for much of the CAD design and initial planning of the product. I also was responsible for the photos taken of the case in the final stages. I am looking to pursue a degree at UNC Charlotte in mechanical engineering, after which I hope to start a career in the aerospace industry.

Julian Nicholson
I am Julian Nicholson, a student and Air Force Cadet at UNC Charlotte. I am an aspiring mechanical engineer who hopes to one day work on next generation aircraft. I am currently in the rocketry club, Silver Wings and Air Force Association and Arnold Air Society. I like to spend my free time with my friends and family. For this project, majority of my focus was spent on the design of the final product from start to finish.

Joel Holder
Hello! I'm Joel, lead designer of our website for this project as you see here. I am currently enrolled at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in pursuit of a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I am a member of the marching and basketball bands at UNC Charlotte and plays clarinet in both. When not working, I enjoy spending time with his friends, playing sports and being active, and playing video games, my favorite being World of Warships.