On-Demand Symbolic Execution

In this demo, we show that MOSE can automatically migrate applications (along with the guest VM) from QEMU/KVM to S2E and then begin symbolic analysis in S2E. The demo application first runs concretely to draw a garden on the screen; then it can follow two possible code paths (one path draws a bunny and the other path draws a truck), depending on the value of a control variable. We mark the control variable as symbolic, in order for S2E to automatically explore both code paths. For more information please refer to our ACSAC'15 paper [1].

Watch the live demo by clicking here. Source code of the program used in the demo.


  1. Jinpeng Wei, Lok Yan, and Muhammad Azizul Hakim. "MOSE: Live Migration Based On-the-Fly Software Emulation". Proceedings of the 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2015), pages 221–230. Download (529 KB). Acceptance rate: 47/193 = 24.4%.

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