Dr. Perez-Quinones accepting award at the Tapia Conference

Dr. Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones
Department of Software and Information Systems
College of Computing and Informatics
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

En la vida todo es ir
a lo que el tiempo deshace.
Sabe el hombre donde nace
y no donde va a morir.

-- Juan A. Corretjer


My research is in Human-computer interaction and Computer Science Education.

Teaching (and course coordinator)

ITSC 2214 Data Structures and Algorithm.

Professional Service

I participate on a number of organizations outside of UNCC.

Previous Jobs

  • Program Officer, EWF Cluster, National Science Foundation
  • Associate Dean, College of Computing and Informatics, UNC Charlotte
  • Associate Chair, Computer Science Department, Virginia Tech
  • Associate Dean, Graduate School, Virginia Tech
  • Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UPR Mayagüez
  • Visiting Professor, US Naval Academy
  • Visiting Professor, Northeastern University
  • Computer Scientist, Naval Research Lab



Visit my personal/professional page at http://mapq.github.io/ for more about my work.

Mis canciones favoritas

El Buen Borincano - Rafael Hernández
Si yo no hubiera nacido
en la tierra en que nací
estuviera arrepentido
de no haber nacido allí.
Boricua en la luna - Juan Antonio Corretjer
Pues según alguien me cuenta
dicen que la luna es una
sea del mar o sea montuna
y asi le grito al villano
yo sería borincano aunque naciera en la luna.