More Résumé Stuff
Syllabus Quiz
Logon to Moodle for your syllabus quiz, which starts at 3:35 pm and closes at 3:45.
Résumé Essay Requirements (DUE Feb. 7tht)
Four full pages (word processed, 1-inch
margins, 12pt font)
Briefly state what you want from a
hypothetical or real job
Explain your background--educational and
professional--to your audience (me)
Extremely Important:
Convince the audience that you're the ideal candidate for the position.
By "convince" I mean make an argument for
your being hired.
With a partner, please look at the following résumé
examples and critique them based on your readings for today:
Résumé Examples
Bad, Better, Alternative (remember, the alternative is to be used if you need more
Here’s a link
to Peter Profit’s cover letter.
Some Questions
- What's the purpose of a cover letter?
- What's the purpose of a résumé?
- How does one show he or she is the
ideal candidate?
In case I haven't said it enough, you should aim to show, not tell in your cover letters and, where possible, in your résumés.
Career-Related Study
Last class I mentioned that I was planning to do a study on career-related perspectives of students in technical communication courses. I have more information about this study, so let's head on over to the study's consent/overview page.
Webpage Stuff for the Semester
Remember, I want you to maintain your
webpages for the rest of the semester. This, at minimum, means updating your
webpage every week. Each week you ought to add something or change something on
your webpage. The goal for this exercise is to keep you engaged with a
(possibly) new, unfamiliar technology we can refer to as a class.
In order to "encourage" updating, I'm
asking that you create a separate webpage that will list your weekly changes.
I'm not asking for major changes--don't think you need to have a search engine
or active server page to fulfill this requirement. Simply adding links, changing
colors, creating a journal pages, etc. is enough to fulfill updating.
First, you should create a new page for
your updates. I know, let's call in 'update.html.' Of course,
you'll have to have it linked to your homepage (index.html)...any
After today, I'm not going to spend much
time on webpage creation. I'll always be available to help you during office
hours, but we won't focus on webpage creation as a class after today.
Things to consider and/or do
What is technical communication?
Who needs to understand technical communication?
Where (in what industries) do we find technical communication?
What's a primary audience for technical
communication? Secondary?
Lessons on Plain Language Next
Next week we'll be talking about more
sentence-level, prose concerns. The goal of the lessons will be on understanding
what is meant by "efficient prose" and "plain language." In order to get us
going, please have the Revising Prose document
read. Originally, I was going to put this on Blackboard, but it's just as easy
to do it here.
Technology Journal
Don't forget about the "Technology
Journal." I have five prompts for you to write
about this term. This week's prompt is up (as are all the others), so please take a look.
Don't Forget--Your
Cover Letters and Résumés are now due on Tuesday (2/14).