Library Hunt

Goals for Library Hunt

You don't even have to go to the library to do this activity. All I’m asking is that you go and look for the sources below and create a web page for the list you find. Yes, that means you’ll have to link it to your home page, which is something I know you all know how to do. If you can’t get the web page up today, just do it before Wednesday.


  • Find five scholarly journals in your major/discipline
    • List the titles of the journals
    • Find out if UNCC has access to them
    • What kind of access (Electronic access, bound periodicals, film, etc.)
    • Remember, scholarly means peer-reviewed journals
  • Find three popular or semi-technical periodicals in your major/discipline
    • List the titles of the periodicals
    • Find out if UNCC has access to them
    • What kind of access (Electronic access, bound periodicals, film, etc.)
    • Remember, by popular I mean periodicals for a lay, non-expert, audience
  • List some of the databases devoted to your major/discipline that you may access from UNCC libraries
    • For instance, IEEE Xplore is a database used by Electrical/Electronic Engineers
    • Some databases may be for only one periodical
    • Most databases will cover a range of related disciplines

    Computerish Majors: You may need to look at information technology for this assignment.

    If you don’t know your major, I have it on Banner. Just ask before the end of class today. Actually, I only know your college, so I can give you a general idea of what your major might be.

    Possible Web Page Layout

    Here is a suggestion for how to arrange your web page for the sources you find:

    Sources for Circus Clownology

    Scholarly Journals in Circus Clownology:

    1. The Journal of Circus Clownology
      • UNCC has full-text electronic access and bounded periodical access
    2. The Journal of Advanced Clownology
      • UNCC has full-text electronic access and bounded periodical access
    3. Circus Management: A Journal of Managing The Greatest Show on Earth
      • UNCC has bounded periodical access
    4. Clownism/Clownernity: Modern Clown Journal
      • UNCC does not have access to this journal
    5. American Association of Clowning Journal
      • UNCC has microfilm only access

    Popular or Semi-Technical Periodicals in Circus Clownology:

    1. Clowning Today: A Magazine for Those who Never Stop Smiling
      • UNCC has bounded periodical access
    2. Under the Big Top
      • UNCC does not have access to this journal
    3. Painted Faces and Red Noses
      • UNCC has bounded periodical access

    Databases Devoted to Clownology and its Related Fields:

    1. Circus Access Database

    2. The Clown Compendium Database

    3. Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe

    4. The P.T. Barnum Index to Clownology and Related Fields

    5. Clown Digest

    6. International Index to Clown Studies

    Ready to change majors?


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