Please complete the following steps before the beginning of the workshop on Saturday, January 14. The goal is to familiarize yourself with a toolkit that is suitable for machine learning methods, the extraction of knowledge from data sets, and to set up a working programming environment that has the Python packages we will need at its disposal.

Pre-Work Office Hour

If you have any questions about or issues with the tasks described below, please visit our (optional) office hour on
Friday, January 13 at 8:00 PM ET/ 7:00 PM CT.

Location: Gather room of the workshop.

Do these things until the workshop on Saturday, January 14:

  1. Revisit what you learnt about linear and logistic regression in the Statistical Methods Workshop on December 3 and 4. What is the difference between linear and logistic regression?

  2. Download the Jupyter notebook session0a_test_environments.ipynb (also available in this OneDrive). Run this notebook to install the Python packages that we will need throughout the workshop. It will also down a dataset in a folder called FashionMNIST which we will need later.

    If you run into any issues when trying to execute the notebook, you can use the environment file environment.yml and create a new conda environment.
    This can be done by navigating the terminal / Anaconda Prompt to the folder which contains the environment.yml file and using the commands
    conda env create --name inmas-ml --file environment.yml
    conda activate inmas-ml.

  3. Familiarize yourself with the scikit-learn package by completing the two (small) tasks in the Jupyter notebook session0b_prework.ipynb (also in OneDrive). The following class might be helpful:

Solution Keys
