I am a Assistant Professor at UNCC in the department of Computer Science since August 2013.
- Spring 2018: ITCS 3145. Parallel and Distributed Computing (material)
- Fall 2017: ITCS 5145. Parallel Computing
- Fall 2017: ITCS 3145. Parallel and Distributed Computing (material)
- Spring 2017: ITCS 4182. Intro to High Performance Computing
- Fall 2016: ITCS 5145. Parallel Computing
- Fall 2016: ITCS 3145. Intro to Parallel Programming
- Spring 2016: ITCS 4010/5010. Topics on Performance Optimization
- Fall 2015: ITCS 2214. Data Structures
- Spring 2015: ITCS 2215. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Fall 2014: ITCS 6114/8114: Algorithms and Data Structures.
- Spring 2014: ITCS 6010/8010: Topics on High Performance Computing.
- Fall 2013: ITCS 6114/8114: Algorithms and Data Structures.
I was teaching assistant (Moniteur) for 3 years at engineering school ENSIMAG. Most of my teachings concerned "Operating systems and concurent programming" as well as "Principles of DataBases management Systems".
Here is a detailed list of my teachings:
- "Principles of Databases Management Systems"
- 2007-2008 : 38 hours (ENSIMAG 2A)
- 2006-2007 : 43 hours (ENSIMAG 2A)
- "Operating Systems and Concurrent Programming"
- 2006-2007 : 36 hours (ENSIMAG 2A)
- "Principles of Databases Management Systems"
- 2005-2006 : 64 hours (ENSIMAG 2A)
- "Introduction to Unix"
- 2006-2007 : 9 hours (ENSIMAG 1A)
- 2003-2004 : 24 hours (University of Versailles, first year)
- "Networking"
- 2006-2007 : 18 hours (ENSIMAG 1A)
I also contributed to scientific communication toward the public. I contributed to "fête de la science" in 2005 and 2007. In collaboration with the Maths à Modeler team, I designed a pedagogical game on scheduling and used it to teach the ideas behind algorithms, complexity and approximation to middle school kids.
I also co-authored an article in the high school student journal tangente sup about linear programming and simplex algorithm: