Instructor: |
Gábor Hetyei
Office: Fretwell 335F, Phone: 867-2543, E-mail:
Office hours: MWF 10:30-11:30 am or by appointment.
Text: |
Theory by Reinhardt Diestel, second Ed., Springer-Verlag, NY.
The free non-printable electronic edition of the book is downloadable from
Prerequisite: |
2164 or consent of the department.
- Basics: Graphs. Degrees. Paths and
cycles. Connectivity. Trees and forests. Bipartite graphs. Contraction
and minors. Euler tours. Adjacency and incidence matrix. (Chapter 1)
- Matching: Matching in bipartite graphs. (Chapter 2, Section 1)
- Connectivity: 2-connected graphs. Menger's
theorem. (Chapter 3/Sections 1 and 3)
- Planar graphs: Jordan Curve Theorem for Polygons. Euler's
formula. Kuratowski's theorem (Chapter 4, parts of Sections 1, 2, and 4.)
- Colouring: Four Color Theorem (w/o proof). Königs
theorem on edge-coloring bipartite graphs. (Chapter 5, parts of Sections
1 and 3)
- Flows: Circulations. Flows in networks (Chapter 6, sections
1 and 2).
Test Dates:
Test 1
Monday September 29 2003, 02:00-02:50 pm
Test 2
Wednesday November 5 2003, 02:00-02:50 pm
Final Exam |
Monday December 15 2003, 3:30-6:30pm
(Double-check in the UNCC Exam
schedule !)
The final exam will be cumulative, consisting of two parts of equal
weight. The first
part will be mandatory, covering only material taught after Test 2. The
second half will contain questions reviewing the material taught before
Test 2. This part will be optional, if left unanswered, I will substitute the
average of your test scores.
Homework: |
Homework will be assigned nearly every day, and will be usually collected on
Monday. I will make an effort to regularly post the homework on the webpage
In case of discrepancy, what I said in class is "official".
A random selection of the assigned exercises will be graded. Some homework
exercises will be discussed in next class and not graded. Severly past due
assignments will be counted at the rate of 90% of their value.
No late assignment will be accepted after December 5.
Evaluation: |
Grades will be based on: 23% for the homework, 22% for each of the
tests, and 33% for the final (22% for the mandatory part, 11% for the
optional part).
Class meeting: |
MWF 02:00-02:50 pm in Denny 205.
Homepage: |