Week of Monday, October 20, 2008 |
- Homework 6 is available, and due Wednesday, October 29.
- Lab 4 is available, and due Wednesday, October 29.
- Extra credit opportunity: Work in the Embedded Systems lab on 10/31 between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm and earn 5 points extra credit. Contact Dr. Conrad to sign up. Preference given to undergraduate students.
- Survey of college students links adequate sleep to higher grade-point averages. UPI (10/21) reported, "U.S. researchers have directly linked higher grades with getting adequate sleep." Study leader Dr. Ed Ehlinger, of the University of Michigan's Boynton Health Service, and colleagues, surveyed "9,931 randomly selected two- and four-year college students," and found that "those students reporting few nights of adequate sleep had a mean grade point average of 3.08 compared to 3.27 for those who reported no sleep deficiencies." Meanwhile, "excessive television or computer screen time, gambling, use of alcohol and tobacco, and stress" were also linked to lower GPAs.