Week of Monday March 13, 2006 |
- Dr. Conrad will not have office hours on Tuesday, 3/14. Please send an email to arrange other times.
- Extra credit opportunity: Wireless communications talk: IEEE 802.15.4 on Thursday, 3/16, 6:00. You MUST RSVP to
- Extra credit opportunity: Engineering Technology is running an event for high school students on Wednesday, 3/15. They need assistance to show students around, help run event, and guard the cookies (to keep the kids from licking them - no kidding!). You can earn 5 points extra credit for each 1.5 hour shift you help. (7:30 - 9, 10-11:30, 12 - 1:30, 1:20-3). If interested, send an email to Steve Kuyath at sjkuyath@uncc.edu.
- Read the class notes page for papers to read for the 3/13 and 3/15 classes.