Genomic Biotechnology Lab
BINF 8350/BINF 6350

Fall 2011

              - Lab Notebook 10% (reviewed bi-weekly)
              - Participation in lab 50%
              - Experiment Reports 20% (4 at 5% each)
              - Final Project Report 20%: written 15%, presentation 5%

  • Lab Preparation policies: Reading will be assigned weekly. Students are expected to keep a lab notebook and to write up experiments. Students are expected to read the lab protocols and explanatory material in advance of the lab, so that questions can be handled expeditiously. Students will work in teams in the lab, and will have to coordinate schedules to attend to experiments that take longer than the class period.


  • For some aspect of library construction (e.g. representative coverage of all exons in a heavily spliced gene) or sequencing characteristic (e.g. read length, or homopolymer discrimination) devise a possible solution, and explain an experimental design to test whether it produces the needed improvement and provide detailed protocols for carrying out the experiment.
  • You are encouraged to brainstorm with others, but each student must have a unique project so make sure you agree who is taking what project when you put in your proposals.
  •  Produce a Final Report that includes :
    • A statement of the scientific question that requires data
    • Shortcomings of current methods
    • Proposed method improvement
    • Design for showing whether the proposed method gives the necessary improvement
    • Detailed protocols for carrying out the experiment
  • The report should be structured as a lab report
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