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Dr. Nada Golmie
Emerging & Mobile Network Technologies Group
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
100 Bureau
Dr. Stop 8920
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Dr. Nada
Golmie received her Ph.D. in
computer science from the University of Maryland at College
Park. Since 1993, she has been a research engineer in the
advanced networking technologies division at the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). She is
currently the manager of the emerging and mobile network
technologies group. Her research in media access control and
protocols for wireless networks led to over 100 papers
presented at professional conferences, journals, and
contributed to international standard organizations and
industry led consortia. She currently serves as an area
editor for Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks and a technical
program committee for several IEEE and ACM conferences
including INFOCOM, ICC, and GLOBECOM. She is the author of
Coexistence in Wireless Networks: Challenges and
System-Level Solutions in the Unlicensed Bands
(Cambridge University Press, 2006).
Dr. Jason (Hongjun) Li
Networks and Security Group
Automation Inc.
Calhoun Dr., #400
MD 20855
Dr. Jason H. Li
received his
Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the
University of Maryland at College Park, MD, majoring in
computer networks. He is currently the Director of the
Networks and Security Group at Intelligent Automation, Inc.
(IAI), Rockville, MD, USA. Prior joining IAI, he was a
Member of Technical Staff in Hughes Network Systems. His
research interests lie in the general area of computer
networks, including network architecture, network protocols,
network modeling and simulation, network cross-layer design,
network management and control, network optimization,
network security, and intelligent cyber security analysis.
His efforts in these areas led to over 50 publications
presented at journals, conferences, and system/protocol
design documents for prototype and product development. He
is a member of the TPC of several IEEE/ACM conferences and a
reviewer for several journals on networks. Dr. Li is a
member of IEEE, ACM, and AAAI. Dr. Li co-organized the AAAI
workshop on
Regarding the “Intelligence” in Distributed
Intelligent Systems
in 2007.
Dr. Jiang
(Linda) Xie
of Electrical and Computer Engineering
of North Carolina at Charlotte
University City Blvd.
NC 28223-0001
Jiang (Linda) Xie received her
Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from
Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004. She is currently an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at the University of North
Carolina-Charlotte. Her current research interests include
resource and mobility management of wireless networks, QoS
provisioning, and next-generation Internet. Dr. Xie is on
the editorial board of Computer Networks journal
(Elsevier), Journal of Network and Computer Applications
(Elsevier), and Journal of Communications (Academy
Publisher). She has served as a General Co-Chair of
International Conference on Mobile Wireless Middleware,
Operating Systems, and Applications (Mobilware 2008 and
Mobilware 2009), a TPC Co-Chair of the 4th International
Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2008), a Symposium
Co-Chair of ChinaCom 2008 and International Conference on
Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2007 and ICCCN
2008). Currently, she is a Symposium Co-Chair of Wireless
Networking Symposium of Globecom 2009 and Globecom 2010.
Industry Chair
Dr. Subir Das
Networking Research
Technologies, Inc.
Telcordia Drive
NJ 08854
Subir Das is a Senior
Scientist in Mobile Networking research department,
Telcordia Technologies. Dr. Das received his PhD in Computer
Engineering from Electrical and Electronics Communication
Engineering Department, Indian Institute Technology,
Kharagpur, India. From 1997-99, Dr. Das was a faculty
member in the same Department. Dr. Das was a Principal
Investigator of an Army Research Laboratory sponsored
project on Secure, Dynamic Ad Hoc Networking and is
currently leading several research programs on wireless IP
and ad hoc networking in Telcordia Technologies. He
has published more than fifty papers and several book
chapters in the area of wireless networking. Dr. Das has
four US patent to his credit and more than a dozen
applications are pending. He is a member of the TPC of
several IEEE international conferences and a reviewer of
IEEE JSAC, TMC, TON, Wireless Communication, communication
magazine and Wiley Network Journal. He is a lead contributor
to IEEE and IETF Standards. Dr. Das is currently the Vice
Chair of IEEE 802.21 WG and earlier served as the co-chair
of IETF PANA WG. He served as organizing committee
member in several conferences and workshops such as IEEE
Sarnoff, ACM Mobicom Workshop, IEEE PerCom, IEEE
CollaborateCom and so on. He has delivered tutorials in
several international conferences including ICC and VTC and
chaired workshop and symposium panels.
Panel Chairseveral international conferences including ICC and VTC and
chaired workshop and symposium panels.
Panel Chair
Dr. Jing Deng
of Computer Science
of North Carolina at Greensboro
164 Petty
Greensboro, NC 27412
Dr. Jing
Deng received his Ph.D. degree
from School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in 2002. He is currently an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at
the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He visited
WINLAB at Rutgers University and the Department of
Electrical Engineering at Princeton University in Fall 2005.
He was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at Syracuse
University from 2002 to 2004. Dr. Deng’s research interests
include wireless network security, information assurance,
key pre-distribution, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), and
Wireless Sensor Networks. Dr. Deng is an Associate Editor of
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Dr. Deng
has helped organize several major conferences and workshops.
For example, he has successful co-chaired the Wireless
Networking Symposium in IEEE GLOBECOM 2008.