Selected Publications and Projects
Selected Projects
Project Title: Workforce Training for Metrology using Immersive Technologies. Funding: CPM Affiliates. Period: 2023-2024.
Project Title: Immersive Training for Additive Manufacturing of Technical Ceramics using Mixed Reality. Funding: CAMAC. Period: 2024.
Project Title: Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical and Tribological Behaviors of Additive Manufactured Inconel 718: Application to Machining Simulation. Funding: ANR, reference CENTURION, ANR-22-CE08-0028. Period: 2022-2026.
Selected Publications
N. UÇAKA, J.C. OUTEIRO, A. ÇIÇEK, K. ASLANTAS, Comparative analysis of micro-milling performances of conventionally and additively manufactured Ti6Al4V alloys: Experimental investigation and 3D modelling, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 213-235, 2024.
X. XU, J.C. OUTEIRO, J. ZHANG, XIAOJIE LI, WANHUA ZHAO, A framework to efficiently simulate the cyclic variation of the residual stresses induced by chip formation in machining of Ti-6Al-4 V alloy, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 57-72, 2024.
J.C. OUTEIRO, W. CHENG, F. CHINESTA AND A. AMMAR, “Modelling and Optimization of Machining of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy using Machine Learning and DoE Methods”, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2022, Vol. 6, pp. 1-22, 2022.
C. HU, J.C. OUTEIRO, K. ZHUANG, H. BIREMBAUX, Selection of the numerical formulation for modeling the effect of tool cutting edge microgeometries in machining of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 129, pp. 102816, 2023.
W. CHENG, J.C. OUTEIRO, J.-P. COSTES, H. KAROUNI, T. DORLIN, R. M’SAOUBI, 3D modeling of turning of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy using a constitutive model considering the state of stress, Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 27, pp. 422–451, 2023.
X. XU, J.C. OUTEIRO, J. ZHANG, B. XU, W. ZHAO, “Machining simulation of Ti6Al4V using coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach and a constitutive model considering the state of stress”, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 110, pp. 102312, 2021.
A. ATTANASIO, E. CERETTI, J.C. OUTEIRO, G. POULACHON, “Numerical Simulation of Tool Wear in Drilling Inconel 718 under Flood and Cryogenic Cooling Conditions”, Wear, Vol. 458–459, pp. 203403 (12 pages), 2020.
X. XU, J. ZHANG, J.C. OUTEIRO, B. XU, W. ZHAO, “Multiscale simulation of grain refinement induced by dynamic recrystallization of Ti6Al4V alloy during high speed machining”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 286, pp. 116834 (16 pages), 2020.
I. CHERIF, D. COTTON, G. POULACHON, J.C. OUTEIRO, A. BROSSE, J. R. KORNMEIER “Instrumented clamping device and numerical simulations to study machining distortion”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 105, pp. 3093-3103, 2019.
W. CHENG, J.C. OUTEIRO, J.P. COSTES, R. M’SAOUBI, H. KARAOUNI, V.P. ASTAKHOV, “A constitutive model for Ti6Al4V considering the state of stress and strain rate effects”, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 137, 103103, 2019.
S.N. MELKOTE, W. GRZESIK, J.C. OUTEIRO, J. RECH, V. SCHULZE, H. ATTIA, P. ARRAZOLA, R. M’SAOUBI, C. SALDANA, “Advances in material and friction data for modelling of metal machining”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Keynote Paper, Vol. 66/2, pp. 731-754, 2017.
J.C. OUTEIRO, S. CAMPOCASSO, L.A. DENGUIR, G. FROMENTIN, V. VIGNAL, G. POULACHON, “Experimental and numerical assessment of subsurface plastic deformation induced by OFHC copper machining”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 64/1, pp. 53-56, 2015.
J.C. OUTEIRO, P. LENOIR, A. BOSSELUT, “Thermo-Mechanical Effects in Drilling Using Metal Working Fluids and Cryogenic Cooling and their Impact in Tool Performance”, Production Engineering, Research and Development, Vol. 9, pp 551–562, 2015.
I.S. JAWAHIR, E. BRINKSMEIER, R. M’SAOUBI, D.K. ASPINWALL, J.C. OUTEIRO, D. MEYER, D. UMBRELLO, A.D. JAYAL, “Surface Integrity in Material Removal Processes: Recent Advances”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Keynote paper, Vol. 60/2, pp. 603-626, 2011.
J. C. OUTEIRO, A.M. DIAS, I.S. JAWAHIR, "On the Effects of Residual Stresses Induced by Coated and Uncoated Cutting Tools with Finite Edge Radii in Turning Operations", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 55/1, pp. 111-116, 2006.