Advanced & Sustainable Manufacturing

J.C. Outeiro, Ph.D


2023 -           Full Professor, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), Charlotte, U.S.A.

2017-2023    Associate Professor, outstanding class with habilitation (tenure), Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology (ENSAM), Campus of Cluny, France.

2018-2019   Invited Professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.

2012-2017   Associate Professor (tenure), Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, Campus of Cluny, France.

2005-2016   Inviter Professor, University of Kentucky, Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington, USA.

2003-2012   Assistant Professor, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal.

1993-2012   Researcher, University of Coimbra, X-ray Centre for Materials Research (CEMDRX), Portugal.

1995-2003   Teaching Assistant, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal.


2017 Habilitation (HDR), University of Grenoble Alpes, France.

2003 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

1996 M.Sc., Sciences of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

1993 License, Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal.


  • Fellow of The International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP), 2019 – Present.
  • Associate Member of The International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP), 2008 – 2019.
  • Member of the French-German Institute of Industry of the Future, 2017 – 2023.
  • Member of the French Titanium Association, 2013 – 2023.

Key Achievements 

Research projects

Principal Investigator or participant of more than 28 funded national and international projects on fundamental and applied research on materials and manufacturing processes in collaboration with several partners in Europe, United States of America (USA) and Asia, including: universities, research institutes and technical centers (CEA (France), SAFRAN Tech (France), CETIM (France), CTDEC (France), AMICS (France), SIMR AB (Sweden) and IPN (Portugal), etc.), and companies (GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA), TOYOTA Motor Manufacturing (USA), LEXMARK (USA), SECO Tools (Sweden), SANDVIK (Sweden), SIDENOR (Spain), UDDEHOLM Tool AB (Sweden), SAFRAN (France), FRAMATOME (France), MECACHROME (France), TOTAL (France), LINAMAR MONTUPET (France), ESI Group (France), EVATEC (France), USINOR-INDUSTEEL (France), etc.).

Administrative, research and pedagogical responsibilities

  • Member of the Scientific Board of the French-German Institute for Industry of the Future, 2017-2023. 
  • French coordinator of Advanced Manufacturing Processes, French-German Institute for Industry of the Future, 2017-2023. 
  • (Co)Vice-President for research at the University of Burgundy-Franche-Comté, 2019-2022.
  • Coordinator of CIRP Cooperative Work on Material Constitutive Models and Data for Modelling of Metal Cutting, CIRP Scientific Technical Committee (STS) C, 2016-2019.
  • Coordinator of the machining topic of the Master MAGIS (Materials and Engineering Sciences in Paris), 2019-2023.
  • Coordinator of the machining program “Factories of the Future: From 3D Prototyping to HSM”, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, Campus of Cluny, France, 2013-2018.
  • Coordinator of the machining program “Eco-processes and HSM applied to motors and energy”, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, Campus of Cluny, France, 2013-2015.
  • Director of Undergraduate program in Mechanical Eng., Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University of Portugal, 2009 - 2012.
  • Member of the Scientific Boards, Faculty of Engineering & Beiras Regional Centre, Catholic University of Portugal, 2003 - 2012.

Organization of scientific conferences and seminars 

  • Co-Chairman of the “6th CIRP International Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI)”, Lyon, France, June 8-10, 2022.
  • Co-Chairman of the “16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations”, Cluny, France, June 15-16, 2017.
  • Chairman of the “13th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations”, Sintra, Portugal, May 12-13, 2011.
  • Member of Local Organizing Committee of the “6th European Conference on Residual Stresses-ECRS6”, Coimbra, Portugal, July 2002.

Scientific publications editorship

  • Associate Editor of the journal of Machining Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis) and of the journal of Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Elsevier).
  • Member of the editorial board of 9 International Journals and of the scientific committee of 35 conferences on Manufacturing.

Academic advising

  • 14 Ph.D. students; 28 master students; 42 undergraduate students; 2 postdoc; 4 visiting scholars.

Other activities    

  • Member of 6 evaluation panels (national and European) of research projects and of universities/research institutes.
  • Member of the jury of 28 Ph.D. defenses (1 Canada; 17 France; 2 India; 4 Portugal; 2 Spain; 1 Sweden; 1 UK).
  • Delivered more than 60 presentations, including 15 keynote speeches by invitation in Europe, USA, and Asia.
  • Reviewer of scientific publications (journal articles, books, and conferences proceeding).

Honors and Awards 

  • Top 2% World Scientists by a study conducted at Stanford University and published by Elsevier BV, 2021.
  • Fellow nomination, International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), 2019.
  • Award of doctoral supervision and research (PEDR), French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France, 2015 and 2018.
  • Qualification for full professor position, French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France, 2018.
  • Fellowship from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany, 2018.
  • Fellowship from Burgundy Region, France, 2013 and 2018.
  • Associate member nomination, International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), 2008.
  • Fellowship from Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD), Portugal, 2007.
  • Fellowship from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal, 1994 and 1997.

Scientific Publications

More than 200 publications in international journals, conference proceedings and books. All information about publications, h-index and citations are on Google Scholar and ORCID.

J.C. Outeiro 2024@ all rights reserved