Research topics/interests
The research activities are on Advanced Manufacturing, in particular on Digital and Sustainable Manufacturing. It includes the manufacturing processes focused on material removal, both conventional and advanced machining processes, with a strong connection with other processes carried out before (Additive Manufacturing, forging, casting,…) and after (Mechanical Surface Treatments,…) machining, including their effects on the functional performance and lifespan of a component (fatigue and corrosion). List of main research topics/interests:
- Multi-physical/multi-scale modeling, simulation, and optimization of manufacturing processes
- Surface integrity and its influence on the functional performance and lifespan of components.
- Development of advanced manufacturing processes including hybrid processes
- Additive Manufacturing
- Sustainable Manufacturing
- Digital Twin
- Mixed Reality
Selected projects
- Project Title: Constitutive Modelling of the Mechanical and Tribological Behaviors of Additive Manufactured Inconel 718: Application to Machining Simulation. Funding: ANR, reference CENTURION, ANR-22-CE08-0028. Period: 2022-2026.
- Project Title: Intelligent machining for the control of part distortion (iMaDe). Funding: ANR reference ANR-19-CE10-0002 (France). Period: 2019-2023.
- Project Title: Modelling and Simulation of Hybrid Processes for Improved Surface Integrity of Components. Funding: Regional Council of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, reference RECH-MOBI-000027 (France). Period: 2018-2019.
- Project Title: Optimization of Machining Process for Part Distortion Minimizing (DISTUS). Funding: Regional Council of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (France), FRAMATOME and ESI companies (France). Period: 2016-2019.
- Project Title: Innovative 3D Machining Model for Surface Integrity Prediction in Turning of Ti6Al4V Titanium alloy. Funding: Chine Scholarships Council, reference CSC-201606320213 (China), SAFRAN Tech (France) and SECO TOOLS (Sweden) companies. Period: 2016-2019.
- Project Title: Milling of Ti6Al4V Under Cryogenic Conditions. Funding: Funds for the Innovation in Industry (F2i), CETIM and AMICS institutions (France). Period: 2014-2017.
- Project Title: Characterization and Modelling of the Microstructural and Mechanical States of Sub-Layers Affected by Superfinishing Turning of OFHC Copper and Its Impact on the Corrosion Resistance (USI COR SURF). Funding: Carnot Institute ARTS (France) and CEA company (France). Period: 2012-2016.
- Project Title: Development of Metrics, Metrology and a Framework for Product-Process Ontology for Interoperability in Model-Based Sustainable Manufacturing. Funding: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA). Period: 2010-2013.
- Project Title: Optimization of the Metal Cutting Parameters for Improved Residual Stress State in Machined Components. Funding: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), project reference POCI/EME/56406/2004 (Portugal). Period: 2005-2008.
- Project Title: Tool Steels for Hard Milling with Improved Machinability and Product Economy (TOSHAM). Funding: European Union Project ECSC 2000 Nº 4326, DG XIII – EU. Period: 2000-2004.
Selected publications
- J.C. OUTEIRO, “Residual Stresses in Machining”, in Book “Mechanics of Materials in Modern Manufacturing Methods and Processing Technique”, Edited by V. Silberschmidt, Elsevier, 2020. (ISBN 9780128182321).
- J.C. OUTEIRO, W. CHENG, F. CHINESTA AND A. AMMAR, “Modelling and Optimization of Machining of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy using Machine Learning and DoE Methods”, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2022, Vol. 6, pp. 1-22, 2022.
- X. XU, J.C. OUTEIRO, J. ZHANG, B. XU, W. ZHAO, “Machining simulation of Ti6Al4V using coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach and a constitutive model considering the state of stress”, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 110, pp. 102312, 2021.
- F. CARERI, S. IMBROGNO, D. UMBRELLO, M. M. ATTALLAH, J.C. OUTEIRO, A. C. BATISTA, “Machining and Heat Treatment as Post-Processing Strategies for Ni-Superalloys Structures Fabricated using Direct Energy Deposition”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 61, pp. 236-244, 2021.
- L.A. DENGUIR, J.C. OUTEIRO, G. FROMENTIN, “Multi-physical analysis of the electrochemical behavior of OFHC copper surfaces obtained by orthogonal cutting”, Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, pp. 1-10, October 26, 2021.
- A. ATTANASIO, E. CERETTI, J.C. OUTEIRO, G. POULACHON, “Numerical Simulation of Tool Wear in Drilling Inconel 718 under Flood and Cryogenic Cooling Conditions”, Wear, Vol. 458–459, pp. 203403 (12 pages), 2020.
- X. XU, J. ZHANG, J.C. OUTEIRO, B. XU, W. ZHAO, “Multiscale simulation of grain refinement induced by dynamic recrystallization of Ti6Al4V alloy during high speed machining”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 286, pp. 116834 (16 pages), 2020.
- I. CHERIF, D. COTTON, G. POULACHON, J.C. OUTEIRO, A. BROSSE, J. R. KORNMEIER “Instrumented clamping device and numerical simulations to study machining distortion”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 105, pp. 3093-3103, 2019.
- I. CHERIF, J.C. OUTEIRO, D. COTTON, G. POULACHON, G. CHARRONDIERE, “Effects of toolpath and clamping strategies in machining distortion of stainless-steel parts”, Procedia CIRP, vol. 82, pp. 427-431, 2019.
- W. CHENG, J.C. OUTEIRO, J.P. COSTES, R. M’SAOUBI, H. KARAOUNI, V.P. ASTAKHOV, “A constitutive model for Ti6Al4V considering the state of stress and strain rate effects”, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 137, 103103, 2019.
- P. LEQUIEN, G. POULACHON, J.C. OUTEIRO, “Thermomechanical analysis induced by interrupted cutting of Ti6Al4V under several cooling strategies”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 67/1, pp. 91-94, 2018.
- S.N. MELKOTE, W. GRZESIK, J.C. OUTEIRO, J. RECH, V. SCHULZE, H. ATTIA, P. ARRAZOLA, R. M’SAOUBI, C. SALDANA, “Advances in material and friction data for modelling of metal machining”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Keynote Paper, Vol. 66/2, pp. 731-754, 2017.
- J.C. OUTEIRO, S. CAMPOCASSO, L.A. DENGUIR, G. FROMENTIN, V. VIGNAL, G. POULACHON, “Experimental and numerical assessment of subsurface plastic deformation induced by OFHC copper machining”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 64/1, pp. 53-56, 2015.
- J.C. OUTEIRO, P. LENOIR, A. BOSSELUT, “Thermo-Mechanical Effects in Drilling Using Metal Working Fluids and Cryogenic Cooling and their Impact in Tool Performance”, Production Engineering, Research and Development, Vol. 9, pp 551–562, 2015.
- R. M’SAOUBI, T. LARSSON, J.C. OUTEIRO, Y. GUO, S. SUSLOV, C. SALDANA, S. CHANDRASEKAR, “Surface integrity analysis of machined Inconel 718 over multiple length scales”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 61/1, pp. 99-102, 2012.
- Z. PU, J.C. OUTEIRO, A.C. BATISTA, O.W. DILLON JR., D.A. PULEO, I.S. JAWAHIR, “Enhanced Surface Integrity of AZ31B Mg Alloy by Cryogenic Machining Towards Improved Functional Performance of Machined Components”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 56, pp. 17-17, 2012.
- I.S. JAWAHIR, E. BRINKSMEIER, R. M’SAOUBI, D.K. ASPINWALL, J.C. OUTEIRO, D. MEYER, D. UMBRELLO, A.D. JAYAL, “Surface Integrity in Material Removal Processes: Recent Advances”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Keynote paper, Vol. 60/2, pp. 603-626, 2011.
- J. C. OUTEIRO, J. C. PINA, R. M’SAOUBI, F. PUSAVEC, I. S. JAWAHIR, “Analysis of Residual Stresses Induced by Dry Turning of Difficult-to-machine Materials”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 57, pp. 77–80, 2008.
- J.C. OUTEIRO, “Influence of Tool Sharpness on the Thermal and Mechanical Phenomena Generated during Machining Operations”, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, Vol. 2, pp. 413-432, 2007.
- J. C. OUTEIRO, A.M. DIAS, I.S. JAWAHIR, "On the Effects of Residual Stresses Induced by Coated and Uncoated Cutting Tools with Finite Edge Radii in Turning Operations", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 55/1, pp. 111-116, 2006.
Equipment and Software
Detailed list of the equipment and software available at the Center for Precision Metrology is available here.
Other equipment:
- Robot-Assisted Abrasive Finishing (Finishing Metal Additive Manufactured parts)
- Photron Nova S16 High-Speed Camera (High Speed Filming and Digital Image Correlation)
- Microsoft HoloLens 2, Meta Quest 3, Apple Vision Pro, Magic Leap 2, and iPad Pro devices (Virtual & Mixed Reality)
- High Performance Computers (Modeling & Simulation, Digital Twins, Virtual & Mixed Reality)
Other software:
- LS-Dyna
- Altair HyperWorks
- MasterCAM
- AutoDesk PowerMill
- AutoDesk CAMplete
- AutoDesk Inventor
- Siemens NX
- Siemens Tecnomatix
- Ansys Twin Builder
- Solidworks
- Shapr3D
- Creo Parametric
- Creo Illustrate
- Vuforia Studio
- ThingWorx
- Reality Composer/Xcode
- Simlab Composer
- Unity
- Unreal Engine
- NVIDIA Omniverse
- NI LabView