November 26th: Presentation Discussion
and Wrapping Up
- Online Course Evaluations
Available Nov. 19th-Dec. 5th
- Weather--it's actually going to get warmer!
The temperature should go from
45 degrees to 46 degrees by the end of class.
Tonight's Plan
Presentation Discussion
Let's talk a bit about what to do and not do during presentations. Your "Theories Presentation," which is what the syllabus calls your portfolio presentation, is worth 5% of your grade. Below are the criteria I'll use to base your grade:
- Appearance of preparation
- Eye contact
- Voice Projection
- Relevance
- Time—don’t go over five minutes and don’t go under four minutes (practice so you get it just right)
Your final presentations will be next week,but, if we need extra time, we'll have to carry over to the final exam period. Because the final exam won't take very long, we'll do the overflow presentations during the final exam time on Dec. 10th @ 6:30 pm. Don't worry; it'll be easier than the midterm exam.
I'll ask for volunteers to go first on presentation day, and then we'll go alphabetically.
Don't forget to review the Portfolio Revision requirements. Look them over befoer you leave and ask questions if you're not sure.
Final Exam Stuff
Can you believe it's just one week before the
final exam? Unbelievable. Well, you have nothing to fear if
you've been coming to class and reading. The final will focus
mainly on Document Design (Ch. 5-9) textbook, and there will be very little material from The Non-Designer's Design Book.
Make sure you know the following:
- Spacing between lines and letters
- Various names for types of fonts
- Typeface fundamentals
- Extratextual elements
- Color and ways to talk about color
- CMYK and RGB
- Ethics and visuals--images and graphs, charts, tables
The final exam will be fill in the blank, short answer, and an essay-ish question that will ask you to identify ______, _______, and _______.
Finish Web Pages
I know you'll ask, so here's the answer: your webpages should include the material listed on the website section of the assignments page. There is also information on the webpage startup page. Make sure you have links to all your webpage classwork on your index page, and, once again, check the page to make sure your link works. I screwed up a few links. Also, don't forget the groupwork discussions--color, typeface, etc.
Next Week
Two more class meetings to go! We're almost finished with the semester. Keep up with the syllabus, and don't forget these special dates:
5182 Presentations: 11/26 (5182 students only)
Use the Lab to Finish Portfolio Revisions
Portfolios DUE: 12/03
Websites finished: 12/03
Final Presentations: 12/03
Final Exam: 12/10/13 @ 6:30 pm