You�re invited to attend the Experiential Learning & Part-Time Job Fair! Held on Wednesday, February 8, 2006 from 1-4pm in the Lucas Room, this fair is for all UNC Charlotte students seeking an internship, co-op, 49ship or part-time, off-campus job. Employers will be on hand from a variety of organizations, and are seeking students of all majors! To see who�s coming, go to
Remember to dress appropriately for all job fairs, and stop by the University Career Center (UCC) to have your resume critiqued. Drop-in hours in the UCC are: M,T,F, 10-2pm and W,Th from 11:30-3:30pm. We also have drop-ins on Tuesday evenings from 5-6pm.
Statistics show that students who graduate with work experience under their belt stand a better chance of getting hired more quickly, and often for higher salaries. Don�t miss out on a chance to meet employers in person!