UNC- Charlotte ECGR 4101/5101

Embedded Systems-Fall 2009

Lecture, 2:00 - 3:15 PM, MW, Woodward Hall 140

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Main Page

Web site updated

December 16, 2009


Week of Monday, December 14, 2009
  • Tests have been graded.  Due to a limitation of Moodle, we cannot post scores (they are more than 100 points).  We also cannot post them outside an office.
  • Final Course Grades have been entered FOR UNDERGRADUATES - you should be able to see them the morning of 12/17/09.
  • You cannot take your final exam with you, but you can examine it.  You can examine it starting next Monday (12/21) between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm., or by appointment.
  • Graduate students: your grades will be posted as soon as all projects are done.  I expect to post them so you can examine them Monday morning, 12/21.

More news...




Course Instructors

Lecture: 2:00 - 3:15, Woodward Hall 140

James M. Conrad:    jmconrad@uncc.edu  

Phone: (704) 687-8597
Campus Office: Woodward Hall 210C
Office hours: MW 3:15 - 4:30, and when the door is open



Lab Assistant: Subramanian Srinivasan ( ssriniv5@uncc.edu ), Woodward 203, Mon & Wed 11:30 to 2:00 pm



ECE 4101/5101 Resources

UNCC Resources