MEGR 2156 Portfolio



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Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Assignment 5 Assignment 6

Problem Statement:

Innovate on an existing technology. Specifically, design a wheel for use in automobile applications.

This wheel should possess the following qualities:

-a good strength to weight ratio,

-optimal torque efficiency.

The design must be scalable, such that it may be implemented in a variety of vehicle types.

The wheel will be engineered with some basic assumptions. Mainly, standard values for torque, friction between the ground and the tire, etc. will be used in the design calculations.

Semester Project Gantt Chart:

Strategy 1.

Strategy 2.

Strategy 3.

Lessons learned:

I gained more experience coding in html and in making gantt charts. Throughout the design process, I learned how to implement the FRDPARRC model.


David Balaj's Website:

-Nice detailed Drawings.

-Gantt chart needs more detail for assignments 4-6 regarding start and end times.

Mitchell Christenberry's Website

-The quality artistic sketches capture design intent well.

-I would recommend displaying the numerical data in table format.

Assignment Activity Log:

Activity Date/Time
Strategy Designs 2/10/18 9:30-11:00 pm
Strategy Designs 2/11/18 6:00-9:00 pm
Problem Statement 2/11/18 9:00-9:30 pm
FRDPARRC Models 2/11/18 9:30-12:00 pm
Gantt Chart 2/12/18 9:30-10:15 pm
Advisory Comments 2/12/18 11:00-11:45 pm