MEGR 2156 Portfolio



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Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Assignment 5 Assignment 6

Problem Statement:

Design a wheel for use in automobile applications.

This wheel should possess the following qualities:

-ideal strength-to-weight ratio,

-optimal power-to-weight ratio/torque efficiency.

-symmetric weight distribution.

-aerodynamic geometry.

The design must be scalable, such that it may be implemented in a variety of vehicle types.

The wheel will be engineered with some basic assumptions (i.e. typical values for torque, friction between the ground and the tire, etc. will be used in the design calculations).

Semester Project Gantt Chart:

Decision Matrix:

In this figure, a rating of 1 (poor) is the worst possible rating, and a rating of 5 (optimal) is the best.

Based on the relative weights of the evaluation criteria, strategy 2 scored the best. Therefore, it is the smartest option for continued development.

Concept 1.

Concept 1 highlights efficiency. Emphasis is placed on optimizing torque input while minimizing residual power losses. This is achieved with an even mass distribution from the center of the wheel to the outer diameter. In addition, relatively wide wheels aid the pursuit of maximizing the power output.

Concept 2.

Concept 2 preferences thermal capabilities. The intent of the design is to maintain relatively cool brakes for safety's sake while maintaining performance. With the advancement of material science, these thermal capabilities can be met.

Concept 3.

The focus of Concept 3 is on handling/efficiency with the ultimate goal being aerodynamics. These qualities are attained by choosing proper wheel placement relative to the car in tandem with conscientious material selection.

Lessons learned:

I solidified my understanding of the FRDPARRC model and decision matrices. In addition, I gained more experience using CAD to create "patterns" and "revolved features" for inspiration.


David Balaj's Website:

-The concepts as well as the equations are difficult to see. It may be better to separate them into 3 distinct photos next time.

-The decision matrix was designed thoughtfully; however, the Gantt chart lacks detail for assignments 4-6.

Mitchell Christenberry's Website

-It would be nice if the concepts displayed on the page rather than needing to click on the links.

-With all of the text you provide, it would be nice if there was more spacing to make the content easier to consume.

Assignment Activity Log:

Activity Date/Time
Concept Design 2/21/18 8:00-9:00 pm
Problem Statement 2/21/18 10:30-11:00 pm
Decision Matrix 2/21/18 11:00-11:30 pm
Gantt Chart Update 2/22/18 12:15-1:00 am
FRDPARRC Models 2/22/18 11:00am-1:15 pm
Final Concept Design/Description 2/22/18 1:30-4:30 pm
Advisory Comments 2/22/18 4:30-5:00 pm