Research Interests
Prospective PhD Students
I am looking for motivated students with good programming skills to work with me in any of the three research areas above.
Professional Activities
- Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2024.
- Program co-chair of the International Summer School on Data Science organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Predeal, 2018-24.
- Standing reviewer for Computational Linguistics, 2021-23.
- Area chair for the NLP Applications track at ACL 2020.
- Co-chair, with Cindy Marling, of the Blood Glucose Level Prediction Challenge at the ECAI 2020 workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data.
- Guest editor of the special issue on Sensor Technologies: Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes Management in the journal Sensors, 2020.
Area chair for the Applications track at ACL 2019.
Co-chair, with Cindy Marling, of the Blood Glucose Level Prediction Challenge at the IJCAI 2018 workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data.
- Invited talk at University of Akron on Machine Learning Models for Blood Glucose Level Prediction, October 2017.
- Steven Bethard, Mausam, and I are co-chairs of the ACL-IJCNLP 2015 track on "Information Extraction and Text Mining".
- I was a member of the Senior Program Committee for IJCAI 2013.
- I was a member of the Senior Program Committee for AAAI 2012, in the area of "Natural Language Processing".
- Alex Yates and I co-chaired the ACL HLT 2011 track on "Text Mining and Information Extraction".
- Michael Raymer and I co-chaired the OCCBIO 2010 session on "Data Mining and Machine Learning".
Vivi, Rada, Evgeniy and I organized the IJCAI 2009 workshop on "User Contributed Knowledge and AI: An evolving synergy".
Rada, Evgeniy and I organized the AAAI 2008 workshop on "Wikipedia and AI: An evolving synergy".
In my spare time, I like playing the
guitar. I am also learning how to play the