Gábor Hetyei

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charlotte NC 28223-0001
   Phone: 704-687-1045
Fax: 704-687-1392
E-mail: ghetyei@charlotte.edu

Research Interests

Topological, enumerative, polyhedral and algebraic combinatorics.

Professional experience

University of North Carolina, Charlotte (08/00-present)
Assistant professor (08/00-06/06), associate professor (07/06-06/14), professor (07/14-present).
University of Kansas (8/97-06/00)
Term assistant professor.
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (9/96-6/97)
Postdoctoral Fellow participating in the special year in Combinatorics.
Université du Québec à Montréal (8/94-8/96)
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Laboratoire de Combinatoire et d'Informatique Mathématiques.
Postdoctoral Fellowship from the UQAM Foundation (8/94-8/95).
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (9/90-5/94)
Research Assistant 1/93-5/93 and 9/91-1/92 for Prof. Richard P. Stanley.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (9/90-5/94)
PhD in Mathematics (May 27, 1994).
Thesis title: Simplicial and Cubical Complexes: Analogies and Differences.
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Richard P. Stanley.
MIT Applied Mathematics Program Fellowship (9/90-5/91 and 1/92-5/92).
Mittag-Leffler Institute (4/92-5/92)
Visitor at the conference year on combinatorics, with a stipend from the Mittag-Leffler Institute.
Florida Atlantic University (1/90-7/90)
Graduate student (advisor: Prof. Heinrich Niederhausen).
Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (9/89-12/89)
Graduate student (advisor: Prof. Richárd Wiegandt).
École Normale Supérieure (Paris) (10/88-7/89)
Visiting Student (advisor: Prof. Bernard Teissier).
Eötvös University Budapest (12/83-7/88)
Master of Science (with honors) in Mathematics (July 6, 1988, thesis advisor: László Székely).
Major field: Algebra (supervised by Prof. Richárd Wiegandt).
Minor field: Computer Science (supervised by Prof. László Babai).

Prizes, Awards and Grants

Practical skills

English, French, German, and Hungarian spoken fluently, reading knowledge of Russian.
Familiar with Maple, TeX, LaTeX and HTML.

Teaching experience

University of North Carolina, Charlotte (09/00-present)
Doctoral student advised: Sarah Birdsong (2013), thesis title: "On the Structure and Invariants of Cubical Complexes".

Lecturer for the following classes:
Undergraduate: Business Calculus (Fall '00, '06, '18), Calculus IV (Spring '13), College Algebra (Spring '00, '02-'08, '10, '13; Fall '02-'14, '17), Combinatorics (Spring '03, '07, '11, '13, '19, '21, '23), Finite Mathematics (Spring '02 and Fall '20), Graph Theory (Fall '01, '03, '05, '07, '09, '11, '13, '15, '17, '19, '23), Introduction to Discrete Structures (Fall '08 and Spring '10), Linear Algebra (Fall '16, '23 and '24), Modern Algebra (Fall '00, '10, '12, '20, '21, '22, '23 and Spring '01, '15, '16, '18, '20, '21, '22).
Advanced undergraduate or graduate: Abstract Linear Algebra (Spring '08), Calculus from an Advanced Viewpoint (Spring '05, '15), Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra (Spring '10), Foundations of Mathematics (Fall '15, '22), Foundations of Real Analysis (Fall '04, '14, '16, '18), Modern Algebra (Fall '02), Non-Euclidean Geometry (Spring '06, '12, '14, '16, '18, '20, '22, Fall '24), Number Theory (Spring '02, '12 and '14), Real Analysis for Secondary Mathematics Teachers (Spring '19 and '23), Topics in Applied Algebra & Algebraic Structures (Spring '11).
Duties: Teaching the classes, supervising my assistants, authoring common finals.

University of Kansas (8/97-06/00)
Lecturer for the following undergraduate classes:
Calculus II (Fall 97, Fall 98 (two sections), Spring 99, Fall 99), Intermediate Logic (Spring 99 and Fall 99), Mathematics of Engineering Systems (Spring 98, in collaboration with Thomas E. Glavinich from the Architectural Engineering Department), Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Fall 97), Ordinary Differential Equations (Summer 99).
Duties: Teaching the classes and supervising the work of my graders.
Université du Québec à Montréal (9/95-12/95)
Lecturer for the undergraduate class Algèbre matricielle (linear algebra, Fall 95).
Duties: Teaching the class, supervising a recitation instructor and a grader.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1/91-5/91, 9/92-1/93, 9/93-1/94 and 1/94-5/94)
Teaching Assistant for the graduate classes Introduction to Stochastic Processes (for Prof. Gian-Carlo Rota, Spring 94) and Combinatorial Theory (for Prof. Richard P. Stanley, Fall 93, and for Prof. Gian-Carlo Rota, Fall 92).
Duties: Grading homework, holding office hours, supervising the preparation of lecture notes for Introduction to Stochastic Processes, preparing lecture notes for Rota's Combinatorial Theory.
Part Time Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate class Introduction to Algorithms (for Prof. C. E. Leiserson, Spring 91).
Duties: Grading homework, preparing sample solutions. (Some of which appeared in the "Instructor's Manual" by Julie Sussman to the book "Introduction to algorithms" by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest.)
Florida Atlantic University (1/90-7/90)
Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate classes College Algebra (Spring 90) and Number Theory (Summer 90, both for Prof. M.J. DeLeon).
Duties: Grading homework, holding office hours.


In refereed journals
  1. "On ordering the free product of ordered semigroups," Annales Univ. Sci. Budapestiensis De Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, Tomus XXXII (1989), 233-241.
  2. "On the diameter of random Cayley graphs of the symmetric group," Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1 (1992), 201-208. (With L. Babai.)
  3. "Generalizations of Baxter's theorem and cubical homology,", Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 69 (1995), 233-287. (With R. Ehrenborg.)
  4. "On the Stanley ring of a cubical complex," Discrete & Computational Geometry 14 (1995), 305-330.
  5. "On the cd-variation polynomials of André and simsun permutations," Discrete & Computational Geometry 16 (1996), 259-276.
  6. "Invariants des complexes cubiques," Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec 20 (1996), 35-52.
  7. "Permutation trees and variation statistics," European Journal of Combinatorics 19 (1998), 847-866. (With E. Reiner.)
  8. "Cubical Species and Nonassociative Algebras," Advances in Applied Mathematics 21 (1998), 499-546. (With Pierre Leroux and Gilbert Labelle.)
  9. "Linear inequalities for flags in graded partially ordered sets," Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 89 (2000), 77-104 (With L. Billera.)
  10. "Flags and shellings of Eulerian cubical posets," Annals of Combinatorics 4 (2000), 199-226 (With R. Ehrenborg.)
  11. "Decompositions of partially ordered sets," Order 17 (2000), 141-166 (With L. Billera.)
  12. "Flag vectors of Eulerian partially ordered sets," European Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2001), 5-26 (With M. Bayer.)
  13. "Graphs and Balanced Simplicial Complexes," Graphs and Combinatorics 18 (2002), 533-564.
  14. "Generalizations of Eulerian partially ordered sets, flag numbers and the Möbius function," Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002), 577-593 (With M. Bayer.)
  15. "Tchebyshev posets," Discrete & Computational Geometry 32 (2004), 493-520.
  16. "Matrices of formal power series associated to binomial posets," Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 22 (2005), 65-104.
  17. "Orthogonal polynomials represented by CW-spheres," Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 11(2) #R4.
  18. "Polyspherical Complexes," Annals of Combinatorics 9 (2005), 379 - 409.
  19. "Central Delannoy numbers and balanced Cohen-Macaulay complexes," Annals of Combinatorics 10 (2006), 443-462.
  20. "The topology of the independence complex," European Journal of Combinatorics 27 (2006), 906-923. (With R. Ehrenborg.)
  21. "The Stirling polynomial of a simplicial complex," Discrete & Computational Geometry 35 (2006), 437-455.
  22. "Tchebyshev triangulations of stable simplicial complexes," Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 115 (2008), 569-592.
  23. "Tutte Polynomials of Tensor Products of Signed Graphs and their Applications in Knot Theory," Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 18 (2009), 561-589. (With Y. Diao and K. Hinson.)
  24. "Enumeration by kernel positions," Advances in Applied Mathematics 42 (2009), 445-470.
  25. "Delannoy orthants of Legendre polytopes," Discrete & Computational Geometry 42 (2009), 705-721.
  26. "A Tutte-style proof of Brylawski's tensor product formula," European Journal of Combinatorics 32 (2011), 775-781. (With Y. Diao and K. Hinson.)
  27. "Invariants of composite networks arising as a tensor product," Graphs and Combinatorics 25 (2009), 273-290. (With Y. Diao and K. Hinson.)
  28. "Relative Tutte Polynomials for Colored Graphs and Virtual Knot Theory," Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, 19 (2010), 343-369. (With Y. Diao.)
  29. "Meixner polynomials of the second kind and quantum algebras representing su(1,1)," Proceedings of the Royal Society A 466 (2010), 1409-1428.
  30. "Enumeration by kernel positions for strongly Bernoulli type truncation games on words," Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 117 (2010), 1107-1126.
  31. "A second look at the toric h-polynomial of a cubical complex," Annals of Combinatorics, 16 (2012), 517-541.
  32. "The poset of bipartitions," European Journal of Combinatorics 32 (2011), 1253-1281. (With Christian Krattenthaler.)
  33. "The short toric polynomial," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 365 (2013), 1441-1468.
  34. "Level Eulerian posets", Graphs and Combinatorics 29 (2013) 857-882. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  35. "A Gray Code for the Shelling Types of the Boundary of a Hypercube," Discrete Mathematics, 313 (2013), 258-268. (With Sarah Birdsong.)
  36. "Relative Tutte polynomials of tensor products of colored graphs," Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, 22 (2013), 801-828. (With Y. Diao.)
  37. "The toric h-vector of a cubical complex in terms of noncrossing partition statistics" Annals of Combinatorics 18 (2014) 585-606. (With Sarah Birdsong.)
  38. "Hurwitzian continued fractions containing a repeated constant and an arithmetic progression," , SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 28 (2014), 962-985.
  39. "Counting genus one partitions and permutations," Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B70e (2014), 28 pp. (With Robert Cori.)
  40. "Generalized Tchebyshev triangulations," Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 137 (2016) 88-125. (With Eran Nevo.)
  41. "Efron's coins and the Linial arrangement," Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016), 2998-3004.
  42. "Simion's Type B Associahedron is a Pulling Triangulation of the Legendre Polytope," Discrete & Computational Geometry 60 (2018) 98-114. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  43. "The HOMFLY Polynomial of Links in Closed Braid Form," to appear Discrete Mathematics. (With Yuanan Diao and Pengyu Liu.)
  44. "The Braid Index of Reduced Alternating Links," to appear in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (With Yuanan Diao and Pengyu Liu.)
  45. "Counting partitions of a fixed genus," Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25 (2018), P4.26 (With Robert Cori.)
  46. "A Bijective Answer to a Question of Simion," Journal of Integer Sequences Article 19.1.2. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  47. "Alternation acyclic tournaments," European Journal of Combinatorics 81 (2019), 1-21.
  48. "Invariants of rational links represented by reduced alternating diagrams," SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 34 (2020), 1944-1968. (with Yuanan Diao and Claus Ernst).
  49. "Classification of uniform flag triangulations of the boundary of the full root polytope of type A," Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 163 (2021), 462-511. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  50. "A Diagrammatic Approach for Determining the Braid Index of Alternating Links," Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 30 (2021), 2150035. (With Yuanan Diao, Claus Ernst and Pengyu Liu.)
  51. "The type B permutohedron and the poset of intervals as a Tchebyshev transform," DOI 10.1007/s00454-023-00490-4, available online in Discrete & Computational Geometry.
  52. "Spanning hypertrees, vertex tours and meanders", preprint 2022, to appear in the European Journal of Combinatorics. (With Robert Cori.)
  53. "Catalan‐Spitzer permutations", Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, 4:2 (2024) Article #S2R15. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  54. "The Braid Indices of Pretzel Links: A Comprehensive Study, Part I", preprint, to appear in Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications. (With Yuanan Diao and Claus Ernst)
  55. "The Braid Indices of Pretzel Links: A Comprehensive Study, Part II", preprint, to appear in Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications. (With Yuanan Diao and Claus Ernst)
In conference proceedings
  1. "On the diameter of finite groups," Proc. 31st IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science, St. Louis MO (1990), 857-865. (With L. Babai, W.M. Kantor, A. Lubotsky, Á. Seress.)
  2. "The cd-index of Eulerian cubical posets," Proceedings of the 7th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", Paris, May 29-June 2, 1995. (With R. Ehrenborg.)
  3. "Invariants of cubical spheres," Proceedings of the 8th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", Minneapolis, June 24-June 29, 1996.
  4. "Permutation trees and variation statistics," Proceedings of the 9th international conference on ``Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics'', Vienna, July 14-18, 1997. (With E. Reiner.)
  5. "Tutte polynomials of signed graphs and Jones polynomials of some large knots", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Knot Theory for Scientific Objects held in Osaka, March 8-10, 2006, Editor Akio Kawauchi. Osaka Municipal University Press. 1-16 (2007). (With Y. Diao and K. Hinson.)
  6. "Delannoy numbers and Legendre polytopes," Proceedings of the 20th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", Valparaiso, Chile, June 23-27, 2008.
  7. "Colored Tutte polynomials and composite knots," Proceedings of the 21st international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", Hagenberg, Austria, July 20-24, 2009.
  8. "The short toric polynomial," Proceedings of the 23d international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13-17, 2011.
  9. "Genus one partitions," Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Chicago, IL, June 29 - July 3, 2014. (With Robert Cori.)
  10. "Realizing Simion's type B associahedron as a pulling triangulation of the Legendre polytope," Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," London, UK, July 9 - 13, 2017. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  11. "Refined face count in uniform triangulations of the Legendre polytope," Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 1 - 5, 2019. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  12. "The dual of the type B permutohedron as a Tchebyshev triangulation," Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Online, July 6-24, 2020; Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 84b.50.
  13. "A Whitney polynomial for hypermaps," Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," July 22-28, 2024; Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 91b.54. (With Robert Cori.)
Technical reports and other
  1. "Generalization of a problem of the mathematical olympiad," ("Egy olimpiai feladat általánosítása," in Hungarian) Mathematical Journal for Secondary Schools (KöMaL) 34 (1984), 102-107. (Pages 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107)
  2. "Anneaux de Cohen-Macaulay définis par des matroïdes", ("Cohen-Macaulay rings defined by matroids,") Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, preprint no. 47/1989.

Talks and Presentations

  1. "Edge-orientable cubical polytopes and a conjecture of Eisenbud, Green, and Harris," MIT Combinatorics Seminar, March 2, 1994.
  2. "On André permutations," LACIM Combinatorics Seminar, September 8, 1994.
  3. "The diameter of random Cayley-graphs of the symmetric group,", LACIM Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, January 26, 1995.
  4. "The cd-index of Eulerian cubical posets," 7th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics" Paris, June 2, 1995.
  5. "Invariants of cubical complexes," LACIM Combinatorics Seminar, October 20, 1995.
  6. "H-vectors of cubical polytopes," Cornell University Mathematics Department, May 23, 1996.
  7. "Invariants of cubical spheres," 8th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Minneapolis, June 25, 1995. (Poster presentation.)
  8. "Permutation trees and variation statistics," Enumeration and Partially Ordered Sets Workshop, MSRI, October 18, 1996.
  9. "Counting Faces of Polyhedral Complexes," University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Mathematics Department, January 29, 1997.
  10. "The Linear Inequalities on Flag f-vectors of Ranked Posets," MSRI Combinatorics Seminar, June 4, 1997.
  11. "Permutation trees and variation statistics," 9th international conference on ``Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics'', Vienna, July 14, 1997. (Poster presentation.)
  12. "Enumeration in ranked posets," workshop on Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, October 29, 1997.
  13. "Decompositions of partially ordered sets," Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Louisville, KY, March 20, 1998.
  14. "Graphical generalizations of the sieve formula," Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Gainesville, FL, March 12-13, 1999.
  15. "Generalized shellings for balanced simplicial complexes," Combinatorics Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, March 23, 1999.
  16. "Linear inequalities for flag numbers in graded partially ordered sets," Combinatorics Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, March 24, 1999.
  17. "Linear inequalities for flag numbers in graded, planar and Eulerian posets," The 8th Mathematical Society of Japan International Research Institute Conference on Computational Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics, Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka, July 21-30, 1999.
  18. "Generalized shellings for balanced simplicial complexes," Combinatorics Seminar, Texas A & M University, September 20, 1999.
  19. "Inequalities for Eulerian posets via doubling," LaCIM 2000 Conference, Montréal, September 8, 2000.
  20. "Flag numbers of generalized Eulerian posets," Fall Western Sectional Meeting of the AMS, San Francisco, CA, October 21-22, 2000.
  21. "The l-vector of general and balanced simplicial complexes," workshop on Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, January 12, 2001.
  22. "Meaning and uses of the l-vector," Spring Central Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Lawrence, KS, March 30-31, 2001.
  23. "Decomposing the order complex of graded partially ordered sets," Colloquium talk at the University of Florida Mathematics Department October 29, 2001.
  24. "The quest for the cubical analogue of the simplicial h-vector," Combinatorics Seminar at the University of Florida Mathematics Department, October 30, 2001.
  25. "Linear inequalities for classes of partially ordered sets," Colloquium talk at the University of Kentucky Mathematics Department, November 8, 2001.
  26. "Contractible and sphere-homotopic independence complexes," Spring Central Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Ann Arbor, MI, March 1-3, 2002.
  27. "Counting chains in graded partially ordered sets," Colloquium talk at the University of South Carolina Mathematics Department, March 5, 2002.
  28. "Orthogonal polynomials represented by CW-spheres," "Retrospectives in Combinatorics", Conference in the Honor of Richard Stanley's 60-th birthday, MIT, June 22-26, 2004.
  29. "The s-vector and the reemergence of the diamond product," Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar at the University of Kentucky Mathematics Department, February 11, 2005.
  30. "The s-vector of a simplicial complex," 6th Combinatexas conference, Texas State University, San Marcos TX, February 26, 2005.
  31. "Central Delannoy numbers, Jacobi polynomials, and a new operation on balanced simplicial complexes," Combinatorics Seminar, University of South Carolina, March 22, 2005.
  32. "Central Delannoy numbers, Legendre polyomials, and a balanced join operation preserving the Cohen-Macaulay property," 18th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", San Diego, CA, June 23, 2006.
  33. "Tchebyshev transforms and the roots of the derivative polynomials for tangent and secant," 2006 Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Storrs, CT, October 28, 2006.
  34. "Tutte polynomials of tensor products of colored graphs," Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Murfreesboro, TN, November 3, 2007.
  35. "Bernoulli type games and combinatorial enumeration," Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Murfreesboro, TN, November 4, 2007.
  36. "Links We Almost Missed Between Delannoy Numbers and Legendre Polynomials", Billerafest 2008, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 15, 2008.
  37. "Delannoy numbers and Legendre polytopes", 20th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", Valparaiso, Chile, June 24, 2008.
  38. "Delannoy numbers and the orthogonality of certain Jacobi polynomials," Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Mathematics Department, NC State University, September 12, 2008.
  39. "Delannoy numbers and a combinatorial proof of the orthogonality of the Jacobi polynomials with natural number parameters," 23rd Clemson mini-Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms, Clemson, SC, October 2, 2008.
  40. "Enumeration of kernel positions in Bernoulli type games," Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik (joint Discrete Mathematics Seminar of the Vienna University of Technology and of the University of Vienna, held at the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry), Vienna, March 17, 2009.
  41. "Colored Tutte polynomials and composite knots," 21st international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", Hagenberg, Austria, July 22, 2009.
  42. "The topology of the poset of bipartitions," Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Mathematics Department, NC State University, October 16, 2009.
  43. "The Möbius function of the poset of bipartitions," 2009 Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Boca Raton, FL, November 1, 2009.
  44. "Geometric interpretations of the relation between Delannoy numbers and Legendre polynomials," colloquium talk at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, George Mason University, November 20, 2009.
  45. "Counting kernel positions in Bernoulli type games," Discrete CATS (Combinatorics, Algebra, Topology & Statistics) seminar, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, March 8, 2010.
  46. "Bernoulli type truncation games and connected permutations," Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms, and Complexity; Conference in honor of László Babai's 60th birthday, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 21, 2010.
  47. "Tridiagonal operators and Viennot's combinatorial theory of orthogonal polynomials," 2010 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Lexington, KY, March 27, 2010.
  48. "The short toric polynomial," 23d international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics", Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13, 2011 (poster presentation).
  49. "Les jeux de type Bernoulli et un nouveau type de formules en combinatore énumerative," LaBRI Combinatorics Seminar, Bordeaux, July 1, 2011.
  50. "The short toric polynomial and the toric h-vector of a simple polytope," 2012 Spring Central Section Meeting of the AMS, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, March 31, 2012.
  51. "Roots of the derivative polynomials for tangent and secant and the Tchebyshev transform of a simplicial complex," Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Mathematics Department, NC State University, January 29, 2013.
  52. "Noncrossing partition statistics and the toric h-vector of a cubical complex," Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, March 3, 2013. (Co-presented with Sarah Birdsong.)
  53. "An adjacent transposition Gray code for essentially different shelling orders of the boundary of a hypercube," Spring Central Sectional Meeting of the AMS, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, April 27, 2013.
  54. "Le vecteur h torique, les nombres de Narayana, et des partitions non-croisées," LaBRI Combinatorics Seminar, Bordeaux, June 14, 2013.
  55. "Properties of the lattice of bipartitions," Discrete Mathematics and Algebra Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, October 31, 2013.
  56. "Bernoulli type games and enumeration by kernel positions," Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Mathematics Department, NC State University, February 21, 2014.
  57. "The lattice of bipartitions," Discrete CATS (Combinatorics, Algebra, Topology & Statistics) seminar, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, March 5, 2014.
  58. "Real-rootedness results for triangulation operations inspired by the Tchebyshev polynomials," Stanley @70, conference in honor of Richard P. Stanley's 70th birthday, MIT, Friday, June 27, 2014.
  59. "How to count genus one partitions?" 26th international conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Chicago, IL, Wednesday, July 2, 2014 (poster presentation, co-presented with Robert Cori).
  60. "Counting permutations and partitions of genus one," Combinatorics Seminar, University of South Carolina, Department of Mathematics, Friday, February 13, 2015.
  61. "Counting genus one partitions and permutations," Combinatorics Seminar, Princeton University, Department of Mathematics, Wednesday, March 4, 2015.
  62. "Cubical h-vectors, noncrossing partitions, and Catalan numbers," 28th Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing (Honoring László Székely's 60th birthday), University of South Carolina Columbia, SC , May 16, 2015.
  63. "Tournaments that arise as dominance graphs of "Efron's coins"," Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, March 6, 2016.
  64. "Nontransitive coins and semiacyclic tournaments," Probability Seminar, UNC Charlotte, April 13, 2016.
  65. "Efron's nontransitive coins and semiacyclic tournaments," Algebra, Combinatorics and Number Theory Seminar, UNC Greensboro, April 15, 2016.
  66. "Dominance graphs of Efron's nontransitive coins and semiacyclic tournaments," Workshop on Graphs and Knots, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, June 25, 2016.
  67. "Propriétés de quelques fractions continues de Hurwitz" LaBRI Combinatorics Seminar, Bordeaux, February 17, 2017.
  68. "Realizing Simion's type B associahedron as a pulling triangulation of the Legendre polytope," 29th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," London, UK, July 9, 2017. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  69. "Partitions of a fixed genus have an algebraic generating function," Discrete CATS (Combinatorics, Algebra, Topology & Statistics) seminar, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, March 5, 2018. (With Robert Cori.)
  70. "Counting partitions of a fixed genus," Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics, NC State University, March 24, 2018. (With Robert Cori.)
  71. "Alternation acyclic tournaments and Genocchi numbers," Discrete CATS (Combinatorics, Algebra, Topology & Statistics) seminar, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, March 7, 2019.
  72. " Les tournois sans circuit alterné et les nombres de Genocchi," LaBRI Combinatorics Seminar, Bordeaux, June 24, 2019.
  73. "Refined face count in uniform triangulations of the Legendre polytope," 31st International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 2, 2019. (With Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy.)
  74. "The number of partitions of a fixed genus," Discrete/Combinatorics Seminar, University of South Carolina, Department of Mathematics, Friday, February 14, 2020.
  75. "The dual of the type B permutohedron as a Tchebyshev triangulation," FPSAC 2020 Online, July 17, 2020.
  76. "Rational links represented by reduced alternating diagrams," Discrete CATS seminar, , University of Kentucky, September 28, 2020.
  77. "From Efron's coins to alternation acyclic tournaments," Combinatorics, Algebra and Geometry Seminar, George Mason University, October 16, 2020.
  78. "A colored version of Brylawski's tensor product formula and its applications," 8th European Congress of Mathematics, Portorož, Slovenia, June 22, 2021. (With Yuanan Diao and Kenneth Hinson.)
  79. "Special continued fraction expansions of a rational number with rational links in mind," AMS Fall Southeastern Virtual Sectional Meeting, November 21, 2021.
  80. "Counting spanning hypertrees and meanders," Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics conference, Vienna, July 6, 2022. (With Robert Cori.)
  81. "Brylawski's tensor product formula for Tutte polynomials of colored graphs," Discrete CATS seminar, University of Kentucky, February 13, 2023. (With Kenneth Hinson and Yuanan Diao.)
  82. "Generalizing Brylawski's tensor product formula to colored graphs," Discrete Mathematics Seminar, University of South Carolina, Department of Mathematics, Friday, December 8, 2023. (With Kenneth Hinson and Yuanan Diao.)
  83. "Étiquetage des régions dans les arrangements d'hyperplans," Groupe de travail "Combinatoire et interactions," LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux, February 12, 2024.
  84. "Inequalities labeling regions of graphical arrangements," Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 91, Salobreña, Spain, March 17, 2024.
  85. "A Whitney polynomial for hypermaps," 36th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics," Bochum, Germany, July 23, 2024. (With Robert Cori.)

Conferences and meetings organized

  1. Special session on Algebraic and Extremal Combinatorics for the AMS 2007 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting. (with László Székely).
  2. Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics: member of the organizing committee in Spring 2020 (February 29, 2020) at UNC Charlotte and in Fall 2019 (November 16, 2019) at NC State University.


  1. Prof. László Babai, Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637.
  2. Prof. Margaret Bayer, Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, 405 Snow Hall, 1460 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045-7523.
  3. Prof. Louis J. Billera, Department of Mathematics,501 Malott Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4201.
  4. Prof. Dan Kleitman, Department of Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307.
  5. Prof. Richard P. Stanley, Department of Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307.
  6. Prof. Bernard Teissier, Université Paris 7, Institut mathématique de Jussieu, 175 Rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France.

Last update: Friday, December 13, 2024.