Harold Reiter

Professor of Mathematics 
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Contact Information

Department of Mathematics
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Office: Fretwell 345A
Office Hours call me at the number below
Telephone: (704)-999-9199
          (704) 687-1731 office
FAX: (704) 687-6415
Electronic Mail: hbreiter@uncc.edu

Current Activities

      In July 2017 my problem book with Y Z Zou and Jon Kane was published at World PublishingCooperation (Beijing) .
 This book American Mathematical Contests, A Guide to Success,  is designed for use by both American and Chinese high     school students. It consists of six parts in four volumes, Basic Knowledge, Essays, Practice Problems, Past Contest Problems (including MATHCOUNTS, ARML, Purple Comet, AMC8, AMC10, AMC12, AIME, and several others. Here's a video intro to the book. The new edition is expected in 2021. The KendallHunt version for the US and Europe is ready. It's 720 pages, sells for $60 (8 cents per page, roughly). Order it at KH.


  Buy my book The Contest Problem Book VII for in pdf form ( $51.00 at Amazon). You can buy it from the MAA or at The Art of Problem Solving Website

Other Current Activities


American Mathematics Competitions

Mathematical Things to do

Websites of Mathematical Organizations

Websites of Mathematical Interest to Students and Teachers

Websites with Mathematical Problems

Websites with Mathematical Problems for younger problem solvers

Websites of Recommended Periodicals for High School and College Students

Math and Science Competitions for high school and pre-high school students.

Math and Science Competitions Scholarship Opportunities for High School Students.

Summer Opportunities for Pre-College Students

Opportunities for College Students

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General Information about me

I'm married to a wonderful woman Betty Baker Reiter. I'm proud that at the age of 56 she was awarded a PhD from the University of South Carolina. She is retired now after a successful career teaching mathematics and computer science at UNC Charlotte, Winthrop University, University of Hawaii, Davidson College and Central Piedmont Community College. Betty also taught at Clemson University and Richmond College (London) during the years we spent in those places.   

I'm also proud of Betty's and my daughter Ashley Reiter Ahlin who received her PhD. at University of Chicago in June 2002 working in the area of Geometric Algebra. She lives in East Lansing, Michigan where her husband Chris is a professor of Economics at Michigan State University. I maintain a list of articles by and about Ashley at  http://webpages.uncc.edu/~hbreiter/ashley.htm . An interview of Ashley for Cogito took place in 2010.

Check out my grandsons, Peter Ahlin, born June 24, 2006 and John Ahlin. Here are others taken in March 2009: Peter, John, John and Peter. Our youngest grandchild is Elizabeth Joy Ahlin, born July 5, 2009, and in March 2010, in Orlando here she is. Finally, here's the whole family at Disney.

o       To see an extensive vita, click here

o       Schools I've attended:  

I attended Lafayette High until the 12th grade.

§         C.E. Byrd High, Shreveport, LA, 1960;

§         Louisiana State University, BS., Mathematics, 1964;

§         Clemson University, MS., Mathematics, 1965;

§         University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1965-1966;

§         Clemson University, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1969.

o       My Erdos number is 3: Erdos, Istvan Vincze, George Csordas, me.


o       Julia Robinson Math Festival


o       Courses Taught at UNC Charlotte:       Favorites: Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Discrete Structures;

o       Commonly taught courses: Calculus I, Calculus II, Business Calculus, College Algebra;

o       Summer Ventures in Science and Math: Combinatorial Games;

o       Summer Workshop in Discrete Math for Teachers

o       Some Charlotte Observer articles by and about me here.

o       Research Interests

§         Combinatorial Games;

§         Mathematics Education,

§         The use of problems and challenges to stimulate mathematics learning.

o       To get in touch with me. ..
Harold B. Reiter
Department of Mathematics
Univ. of North Carolina Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: 704-999-9199
email: hbreiter@uncc.edu

o       Checking Email from a distance

o       UNC Charlotte Math Department Home Page

o       UNC Charlotte Homepage




·         Hit counter installed late June 2005. Disabled Janaury 2011 with about 126000 hits.

·         Last updated August 2018 by Harold Reiter