Computer Graphics, Biomedical and Information Visualization,
Medical Image Analysis, Computer Science Education, Spatial Data Structures
Computer Science Education
Linked List Using BRIDGES Binary Search Tree (Earthquake Data) Six Degrees of Separation (Bacon Number Problem) Comparing two sections of Data Structures Courses Using CS Materials System
The projects in CS education have a somewhat common focus on improving early
CS education at the freshmen/sophomore levels by (1) engaging students
through attractive learning materials by tying them to real-world applications
as well as visual representations/outputs of their in-class work. This is
the goal of the BRIDGES project. See
the example BRIDGES outputs above (click on them!) of data structures resulting
from routine student assignments.<p>
A second project CS Materials focuses
on aligning CS instructor course materials to nationally accepted guidelines.
This goes to ensuring rigor and standards in CS courses taught at different
Matthew Mcquaigue, Jay Strahler, Kalpathi Subramanian, Erik Saule,
Jamie Payton, “Location Based Assignments in Early CS
Courses Using BRIDGES Engages Students", Proceedings of the Journal
of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Nov 2022, 38(5), pp 107-116. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Kalpathi Subramanian, Kiran Budhrani, “Influence of Course Design on Student Engagement and Motivation in an Online Course", Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (ACM SIGCSE 2020), Portland, OR, 2020, 303–308. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Alec Goncharow, Anna Boekelheide, Matthew Mcquaigue, David Burlinson,
Erik Saule, Kalpathi Subramanian and Jamie Payton,
“Classifying Pedagogical Material to Improve Adoption of Parallel and Distributed
Computing Topics", 9th NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Education (EduPar-19), May 20-24, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Matthew Mcquaigue, David Burlinson, Kalpathi Subramanian, Erik Saule,
Jamie Payton, “Visualization, Assessment and Analytics in Data Structures
Learning Modules", Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on
Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2018), Feb 21-24, Baltimore, MD. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Cory Bart, Kalpathi Subramanian, Ruth Andersen, Nadeem
Abdul Hamid, “Preparing, Visualizing, and Using Real-world Data in
Introductory Courses" (SIGCSE Panel), Proceedings of the
49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education
(SIGCSE 2018), Baltimore, MD, Feb. 21-24, 2018. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
David Burlinson, Mihai Mehedint, Chris Grafer, Kalpathi Subramanian,
Jamie Payton, Paula Goolkasian, Michael Youngblood, Robert Kosara,
“BRIDGES: A System to Enable Creation of Engaging Data Structures
Assignments with Real-World Data and Visualizations", Proceedings of the
47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2016),
pages 18-23, Memphis, TN, Feb. 2016. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Kalpathi Subramanian, Tom Cassen, “A Cross-Domain Visual Learning
Engine for Interactive Generation of Instructional Materials",
Proceedings of ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
2008(SIGCSE 2008), March 12-15, 2008, Portland, Oregon, USA. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Erik Saule, Kalpathi Subramanian, Jamie Payton, “Building Engaging Assignments for
Your Class", SIGCSE 2023 Workshop, Proceedings of the 54nd ACM Technical
Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2023), Toronto, CA, March 2023.
Kalpathi Subramanian, Erik Saule, Matthew Mcquaigue, Jamie Payton,
“Improving the structure and content of early CS courses with well aligned,
engaging materials", Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Workshop, 53nd ACM Technical
Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2022), Providence, RI,
March 2022.
Erik Saule, Kalpathi Subramanian, “CS Materials, A System to Assess and
Align your Courses to National Standards", CCSC Central Plains (Workshop),
Journal of Computer Sciences in Colleges, 2022.
Kalpathi Subramanian, Jamie Payton, Matthew Mcquaigue, “Real-World Data,
Interactive Games and Data Structure Visualizations in Early CS Courses
Using BRIDGES", ACM SIGCSE Workshop (Remote),
Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2021).
Erik, Saule, Kalpathi Subramanian, Matthew Mcquaigue, “Using CS Materials, A
System to Align your Courses with National Standards", ACM SIGCSE Workshop (Remote),
Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2021)
March 2021.
Kalpathi Subramanian, Erik Saule, Jamie Payton, “Bringing Real-World Data,
Interactive Games and Visualizations into Early CS Courses", (ACM SIGCSE Workshop),
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2020),
Portland, OR, March. 2020.
Kalpathi Subramanian, Erik Saule, Jamie Payton,
“Bringing Real-World Data and Visualizations of
Student-Implemented Data Structures into Sophomore CS Courses
Using BRIDGES". ACM SIGCSE Workshop, Proceedings of the 50th ACM
Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education
(SIGCSE 2019), Minneapolis, MN, Feb. 2019. [Full Paper[pdf]
Kalpathi Subramanian, Jamie Payton, “Increasing Student Interest
in Data Structures Courses with Real-World Data and
Visualizations Using BRIDGES", (ACM SIGCSE Workshop,
Proceedings of the 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science
Education (SIGCSE 2017), Seattle, WA, March 2017. [Full Paper[pdf]
Ray Tracing (Sphere Flake) Ray Tracing (Arches) Ray Tracing (Mountain) Ray Tracing (Tree) Brain Slice(Original) Brain Slice(BSP Tree) Mandrill (Original) Mandrill (BSP Tree)
My interests in Computer Graphics has evolved over the years starting from
realistic rendering methods (see my doctoral work on Ray Tracing
related publications) into
geometric modeling - see my post-doc work on binary space partitioning trees.
I also continue teaching in these areas. More recently, we have some ongoing
work on Augmented and Virtual Reality, studying depth perception in
these environments. We expect to have publications in these areas soon.
K.R. Subramanian, B.F. Naylor, “Converting Discrete Images to
Partitioning Trees", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics, 3(3), September 1997. [Full Paper(PDF)][BibTeX]
[DISSERTATION] Kalpathi Subramanian, “Adapting Search
Structures to Scene Characteristics for Ray
Tracing", Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, The
University of Texas at Austin, December 1990. Advisor: Donald S. Fussell
[Full Dissertation[PDF]]
[MS Thesis] K.R. Subramanian, “Fast Ray Tracing Using K-D
Trees", Master’s thesis, Department of Computer Sciences,
The University of Texas at Austin, December 1987.
[Graphics Interface ’91]K.R. Subramanian, Donald S. Fussell,
“Automatic Termination Criteria for Ray Tracing Hierarchies",
Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’91, Calgary, Alberta,
June 3-7, 1991. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
[IEEE Visualization 1990] K.R. Subramanian, Donald S. Fussell, “Applying Space Subdivision
Techniques to Volume Rendering", Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization ’90,
San Francisco, CA, October 23-26, 1990. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Technical Report] K.R. Subramanian, Donald S. Fussell, “Factors Affecting Performance of Ray
Tracing Hierarchies", Technical Report, The University of Texas at
Austin, TR-90-21, August 1990. [Full Report[pdf]
Technical Report] K.R. Subramanian, Donald S. Fussell, “A Cost Model for Ray Tracing
Hierarchies", Technical Report, The University of Texas at Austin,
TR-90-04, March 1990. [Full Report[pdf]
T. Cassen, K.R. Subramanian, Z. Michalewicz, “Near-Optimal
Construction of Partitioning Trees Using Evolutionary Techniques",
Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’95, Quebec City, May 16-19, 1995. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
K.R. Subramanian, Bruce F. Naylor, “Representing Medical Images with
Partitioning Trees", Proceedings of IEEE Visualization ’92, Boston, MA.,
October 19-23, 1992. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Todd Eaglin, Kalpathi Subramanian, Jamie Payton, “3D Modeling by the
Masses: A Mobile App for Modeling Buildings", Pervasive Computing,
(PERCOM) 2013 (Demo Track), March 18-22, 2013. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Scientific and Information Visualization
Symbol Perception: Linear trends Symbol Perception: Numerosity UNC Charlotte Campus Evaluation Simulation Sequence UNC Charlotte Campus Evaluation Simulation Sequence UNC Charlotte Campus Evaluation Simulation Sequence File System Visualization
My interests in these areas grew out of the focus on medical imaging,
This included works in more general datasets (file systems, wireless
networks), typically classified as information visualization and the long
running work on situational awareness in building evacuation models (see
figurs above that was part of a evacuation scenario conducted with
the UNC Charlotte Police Department for our campus). More
recent work has focused on theoretical aspects of information visualization,
understanding perception of symbols in information visualization, that
formed the basis of my student’s (David Burlinson) dissertaion work.
David Burlinson, Kalpathi Subramanian, Paula Goolkasian,
“Open vs. Closed Shapes: New Perceptual Categories?", IEEE
Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1),
January 2018. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Jack Guest, Todd Eaglin, Kalpathi Subramanian, William Ribarsky
“Interactive analysis and Visualization of Situationally Aware Building
Evacuations ", Information Visualization, 14(3), July 2015. [FullPaper(PDF)][BibTeX]
[Best Student Paper] Jack Guest, Todd Eaglin, Kalpathi
Subramanian, William Ribarsky, “Visual Analysis of Situationally Aware
Building Evacuations", SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis
2013(VDA 2013), IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, Feb. 4-6, 2013, San
Francisco, CA. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
T.A. Dahlberg, K.R. Subramanian, “Visualization of Mobile Network
Simulations", Simulation, The Society for Computer Simulation and
Modeling, Vol 77(3-4), pp. 128-140,Sept/Oct. 2001. [Full Paper(PDF)][BibTeX]
David Burlinson, Kara Koehrn, Kalpathi Subramanian, Aidong Lu, “Are
Environmental Regulations Working? A Visual Analytic Approach To
Answering Their Impact on Toxic Emissions", Workshop on Visualization in
Environmental Sciences(EnvirVis) 2016, (Part of EuroVis 2016), June 6-10,
2016, Groningen, the Netherlands. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
David Burlinson, Kalpathi Subramanian, Aidong Lu, “TRI-DIRECT:
Interactive visual analysis of TRI data", Proceedings of
Visualization and
Data Analysis (VDA) 2016 (Partof IS&T Electronic Imaging 2016, Feb 16-18,
2016, San Francisco, CA. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Alex Midgett, Jack Guest, Kalpathi Subramanian, “VAST 2011
MiniChallenge: UNCC Viral Tracker", Proceedings of IEEE VAST 2011,
Oct 16-21, 2011, Providence, RI. [Full Paper[pdf]
Jianfei Liu, Kyle Lyons, Kalpathi Subramanian, William Ribarsky,
“Semi-Automated Processing and Routing Within Indoor Structures For
Emergency Response Applications", Proceedings of SPIE Defense,
Security+Sensing, 5-9 April, 2010, Orlando, FL. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Joshua Foster, Kalpathi Subramanian, Gail-Joon Ahn, “Interactive
Exploration of Large Filesystems", SPIE Proceedings of
Visualization and Data Analysis, Volume 5669,
2005 (Poster), Feb. 17-22, 2005, San Jose, CA. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
B. Muralikrishnan, J. Raja, K.R. Subramanian, “A 3D Visualization
Tool for surface metrology", Proceedings of the Second National Conference
in Precision Engineering, COPEN 2002, Jan. 11-13, 2002, Coimbatore, India. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
K.R. Subramanian, D.M. Lawrence, M.T. Mostafavi, “Interactive
Segmentation and Analysis of Fetal Ultrasound Images", 8’th Eurographics
Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, Boulogne sur Mer,
France, April 28-30, 1997. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Computer Vision/Image Processing
Optical Colonosopy Tracking - Two consecutive sequences (Movie) Temporal Volume Flow - Tracking Failure Recovery (Movie) Tumor Segmentation Using Implicit Representation Corpus Callosum Segmentation Using Implicit Representation Car Tracking Using Implicit Representation
My interests and work in this area includes the extensive work of my
doctoral student on colonoscopy tracking, i.e., tracking optical and virtual
colonoscopy videos; the work significantly improved the state of the art
(which was a few 100 frames) to several thousands of frames of the sequence.
The other work involved representing active contours using an implicit
surface representation.
Jianfei Liu, “From Pixel To Region To Temporal Volume: A Robust
Motion Processing Framework For Visually-Guided Navigation",
PhD Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, 2011, Advisors: Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo. [Full Dissertation[PDF]]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, “A Robust Method to
Track Colonoscopy Videos with Non-Informative Images",
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Radiology and
Surgery (IJCARS), 8(3), July 2013. [FullPaper(PDF)][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, “An Optical Flow
Approach to Tracking Colonoscopy Video", Computerized Medical
Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 37(3), pp. 207-223, March 2013. [FullPaper(PDF)][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, “Temporal Volume Flow:
An Approach to Tracking Failure Recovery", Proceedings of SPIE Medical
Imaging 2011, Feb. 12-17, 2011, Orlando, FL. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, “Region Flow: A
Multi-Stage Method for Colonoscopy Tracking", Proceedings of Medical Image
Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2010, Sept. 20-24,
2010, Beijing, China. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS) 6362,
Springer. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kyle Lyons, Kalpathi Subramanian, William Ribarsky,
“Semi-Automated Processing and Routing Within Indoor Structures For
Emergency Response Applications", Proceedings of SPIE Defense,
Security+Sensing, 5-9 April, 2010, Orlando, FL. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, “Accurate Motion
Parameter Estimation for Colonoscopy Tracking Using a Regression Method",
Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2010, Vol. 7624, 13-18 February,
2010, San Diego, CA. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, Robert Van Uitert,
“A Stable Optic-Flow Based Method for Tracking Colonoscopy Images",
Proceedings of Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA)
2008, June 27-28, Anchorage, Alaska. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi R. Subramanian, Terry S. Yoo, “Towards Designing
An Optical-flow Based Colonoscopy Tracking Algorithm: A Comparative Study",
Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2013, Feb. 9-14, Orlando, CA. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, “A Phantom Design for
Validating Colonoscopy Tracking", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging
2012, Feb. 4-9, 2012, San Diego, CA. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Bryan S. Morse, Weiming Liu, Terry S. Yoo, Kalpathi Subramanian,
“Active Contours Using a Constraint-Based Implicit Representation",
Proceedings of Internation Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), June 20-25, San Diego, CA., IEEE Computer Society
Press, June 2005. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
B.S. Morse, T.S. Yoo, P. Rheingans, D.T. Chen, K.R. Subramanian,
“Interpolating Implicit Surfaces From Scattered Surface Data Using
Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions", Proceedings of Shape
Modeling International (SMI) 2001, , May 7-11, 2001, Genova, Italy. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
T.S. Yoo, B. Morse, K.R. Subramanian, P. Rheingans, M.J. Ackerman,
“Anatomic Modeling from Unstructured Samples Using Variational Implicit
Surfaces", Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR 2001),
Jan 24-27, 2001, Newport Beach, CA., [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
T.S. Yoo, K.R. Subramanian, “Implicit Snakes: Active Constrained
Implicit Surfaces", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted
Intervention (MICCAI2001), October 14-17, 2001, Utrecht, Netherlands. [Full Paper[pdf][BibTeX]
Biomedical Visualization
3D Bovine Artery Reconstruction (IVUS + Biplan Angio) 3D Dog Artery Reconstruction (IVUS + Biplan Angio) Golgi Tendon Reflex Sequence Ductal Cancer (MRI)
My interests in bioimedical visualization began as the last part of my
dissertation work, working with scientists at the University of Texas
Center, assisting them in visualizing their bioimedical data sets (MRI, CT)
and led to our publication in the first IEEE Visualization conference. This
followed work intravascular ultrasound, functional MRI (fMRI). A long
collaboration on looking at spinal cord neuron simulations also led to
a lot of published work. Currently, we are working on newer imaging
technologies for targeting diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimers. The goals
are still the same: build sophisticated methods to segment, register and
visualize both anatomical and functional data for diagnosis and treatment.
K.R. Subramanian, D.P. Bashor, P. Okey, M.T. Miller, "NVIZ: An
Integrated Environment for Simulation, Visualization and Analysis of
Spinal Neuronal Dynamics", Journal of Imaging Science and
Technology, Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Volume 49(5),
September/October 2005. [FullPaper(PDF)][BibTeX]
K.R. Subramanian, J.P. Brockway, W.Carruthers, "Interactive Detection
and Visualization of Breast Lesions Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced(DCE)
MRI Volumes", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Volume 28,
Issue 8, 2004, Elsevier. [FullPaper(PDF)][BibTeX]
B. Carruthers, K.R. Subramanian, J.P. Brockway, “Interactive Detection,
Evaluation and Classification of Breast Lesions from 4D MRI Using Direct
Volume Visualization", Abstract, 2003 Southern Biomedical
Engineering (SBME) Conference September 26-28, 2003, Charlotte, NC. SBME 2003
K.R. Subramanian, J.P. Brockway, “Interactive Exploration of fMRI
Images within anatomical MRI Volume Reconstruction", HBM 2000, 6th Annual
Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 12-16, 2000 San
Antonio, Texas, USA. HBM 2000