1/14/08 - Reviewed papers 1/16/08 - MicroC/OS II and lab day 1/23/08 - Discussion of different Microcontrollers and systems 1/28/08 - Discussion - Stiquito Controlled and the MSP430
1/30/08 and 2/4/08 - Software Development
2/6/08 - Project Management
The transparencies for Project Management
Go here to see some Project Management Documents used by Senior Design
2/11/08 - Fun Peripherals
2/13/08 - Floating Point and Fixed Point Math
2/18/08 - Floating point and fixed point math (continued) 2/20/08 - Floating point and fixed point math (continued) 2/25/08 - Exam #1 2/27/08 - Lab 4 discussion and Architecture identification 3/10/08 - Lab 4 discussion 3/12/08 - Cancelled - Students did not read papers 3/17/08 - ZigBee and IEEE 802.14.4 - in class discussions
3/19/08 - Lab 5 description 3/24/08 - Presentations
- Discussed
- Use this
PowerPoint template for all presentations.
- Important points: 10-12 minutes, 10 slides, DO NOT include a slide that says "Questions?", put TECHNICAL materials in the slides (schematics, code listings)
- Also, covered what to include in the lab exercises.
3/26/08 - Paper presentations
3/31/08 - Paper presentations
4/2/08 - Paper presentations
4/7/08 - Paper presentations
- Sid Ahuja - Embedded Control System for VTOL Aircrafts: Paper
and Presentation 
- Thomas Meiswinkel - Teaching firmware as the bridge between hardware and software: Paper
and Presentation 
4/9/08 - Paper presentations
- Adam Wickersham - Efficient Micro Mathematics: Paper (March 2008 Circuit Cellar Ink pp. 60-xx) and Presentation

- Nripendra Singh - Bluetooth in Transportation: Paper
and Presentation 
- Rohit Kale - RFID Payment Terminal: Paper (February 2008 Circuit Cellar Ink pp. 34-43) and Presentation

- Liu Hu - Sensor Network Home Array: Paper
and Presentation 
4/14/08 - Paper presentations
- Kristen Reband - Designing for Hostile Environments: Paper (January 2008 Circuit Cellar Ink pp. 60-67) and Presentation

- Joel Pritchard - Tile Graphics: Paper (December 2007 Circuit Cellar Ink pp. 12-19) and Presentation

- Michael McClain - Navigating the Heavens: Paper (March 2008 Circuit Cellar Ink pp. 69-72) and Presentation

- Amit Kumar - Embedded Wireless Mini-Server with Database support: Paper
and Presentation 
4/16/08 - Paper presentations
4/21/08 - Exam 2 4/23/08 - Paper presentations
4/28/08 - End of semester Recap |