Readings |
Late 2009 - How to review papers, and how a conference paper is developed
1/11/10 - Intro, Syllabus, reviewing papers
- We discussed the
class syllabus
- We discussed reviewing papers. Check out this
website for guidelines to use
- We discussed what we wanted to cover in class
1/13/10 - Presentations
1/18/10 - Holiday- no class 1/20/10 -Project Management
1/25/09 - Student Presentations: "Implementation of Real-time network extension on Embedded Linux" and "PLCs"
- Suraj provided three papers - all are good, and many people were interested in the topic, so I will post all papers here and ask very general questions on the quiz. Please read the papers!
- Presenter: Swami, Papers:
Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, and Presentation
- Zehaie also provided several papers.
- Presenter: Hailu, Papers:
Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Paper 4; and Presentation
1/27/09 - Student Presentations: Sensors
2/1/09 - Class cancelled
2/3/09 - Student Presentations: Vision and Applications
2/8/09 - Student Presentation: Search Algorithms
2/10/09 - SmartGrid and CAN
2/15/09 - Robotics OSs
2/17/09 -uCLinux
2/22/09 -Test Review
- Everyone presented a two-minute synopsis of their paper
- Class Readings/Notes:
these extra notes
2/24/09 - Exam 1 3/1/09 -Class
3/3/09 - Class (Floating point)
3/8/09 and 3/10/09 -Spring Break 3/15/09 -Floating Point
3/17/09 -Floating Point (cont)
3/22/09 -Floating Point (Cont.)
3/24/09 -Lab Day 3/29/09 -Floating Point (Cont.)
3/31/09 - Floating Point (Cont.)
4/5/09 -TBD
4/7/09 -State machines
4/12/09 -TBD
4/14/09 - State machines
4/19/09 - Lab 6
4/21/09 - TBD 4/26/09 - Developing Requirements, Exam 2 preparation
4/28/09 - Software Architecture
5/3/09 - Exam 2 5/10/09 - Project Presentations during Final Exam Time (2:00 - 4:30 pm) |