Alan Dow's Home Page

Contact info:

Alan Dow

Mathematics and Statistics

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

no phone

9201 University City Blvd.

Department page

Charlotte, NC 28223

campus address: Fretwell 390J

The Carolina Seminar Recordings

Newer papers

  1. Non-trivial copies of N* (while all automorphisms trivial) June 2024
  2. Autohomeomorphisms of pre-images of N* (Nx[0,1] versus N) June 2024
  3. S-spaces and a large continuum   with Saharon Shelah
  4. Automorphisms of  P(omega)/fin   and large continuum
  5. S-spaces and a large continuum   with Saharon Shelah
  6. On the Weak Pseudoradiality of CSC Spaces  with Hector Barriga-Acosta, to appear Fundamenta
  7. A zero-dimensional F-space that is not strongly zero-dimensional, with K.P. Hart, preprint 2022
  8. Spaces of countable free set number and PFA, with Istvan Juhasz, preprint 2022 
  9. On the bounding, splitting, and distributivity numbers with Saharon Shelah, preprint 2021.
  10. PFA and omega1-free spaces with Klaas Pieter Hart, preprint 2021.
  11. The independence of GCH and a combinatorial principle related to Banach-Mazur Games with Will Brian and Saharon Shelah, 2021 preprint.
  12. Many Weak P-sets with Jan van Mill, preprint 2020
  13. All Parovicenko spaces may be soft-Parovichenko with K.P. Hart, preprint 2021.
  14. Compact spaces with a P-base, with Ziqin Feng, Indagationes Mathematicae, to appear 2021.
  15. Laver forcing and converging sequences, preprint Jan 2021.
  16. On the cardinality of separable pseudoradial spaces , With Istvan Juhasz; TopAppl 2021 to appear
  17. Productivity of Cellular-Lindelof spaces, With R.M. Stephenson; preprint Nov. 2020
  18. Telgarsky's conjecture may fail with Will Brian, David Milovich, and Lynne Yengulalp, Israel Journal 2021
  19. An Efimov space with character less than s, preprint Dec. 2019; updated Aug 2020.
  20. Pseudoradial spaces and copies of omega1+1 with Angelo Bella and Rodrigo Hernandez-Gutierrez, TopApp 2020
  21. Some regular open subsets of N*, preprint May 2019.
  22. Small cardinals and Efimov spaces With Will Brian, preprint May 2019.
  23. P-filters and Cohen, Random, and Laver forcing preprint June 2018.
  24. Densely k-separable compacta are densely separable (with Istvan Juhasz) May 2018 preprint
  25. On the tightness of G-delta-modifications with (I. Juhasz, L. Soukup, Z. Szentmiklossy, and W. Weiss) (Acta Math. Hungar. to appear)
  26. Pseudo P-points and splitting number, (with Saharon Shelah) preprint January 2018.
  27. More topological partition relations on beta N (accepted special issue Wis Comfort)
  28. PFA(S) and countable tightness, preprint Sept 2017
  29. More on sequential order of compact scattered spaces (with Secil Tokgoz) (Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2018 42 pp1236-1241)
  30. Asymmetric tie-points and almost clopen subsets of N* (with S. Shelah), preprint.
  31. On Rancin's problem (with Angelo Bella), preprint.
  32. Almost compatible functions and infinite length games (with Steven Clontz), Rocky Mountain Journal (to appear)
  33. PFA(S) and automorphisms of P(N)/fin June 16, 2016
  34. Normality versus paracompactness in locally compact spaces (with F. Tall) June 12, 2016.
  35. Countable pi-character, countable compactness and PFA May 16, 2016
  36. PFA(S)[S] and countably compact spaces (with F. Tall) February 7, 2016.
  37. Splitting number can be singular (with S. Shelah) Jan 4, 2016
  38. Reversible filters; (with Rodrigo Hernandez-Gutierrez), Feb 25, 2016.
  39. Far points and discretely generated spaces; (with Rodrigo Hernandez-Gutierrez), Sept 4, 2015.
  40. Hereditarily Normal Manifolds of Dimension > 1 May All Be Metrizable (with F. Tall) Submitted Sep 2015.
  41. Compact spaces with a P-diagonal (with K.P. Hart); to appear Indagationes Mathematicae 2016.
  42. The Katowice problem and autohomeomorphisms of omega* (with D. Chodounsky, K.P. Hart, and H. de Vries)
  43. On the bounding, splitting, and distributivity numbers of P ( N); An application of long-low iterations (with S. Shelah) (revised June 3 2015)
  44. PDF Under CH, a compact space X is metrizable if and only if XxX\ Delta is dominated by the irrationals (with David Guerrero Sanchez) accepted Nov 2014 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
  45. Compact C-closed spaces need not be sequential (appearing in Acta Mathematica Hungarica) for read-only "as part of the Springer Nature Content Sharing Initiative")

See also: (Your paper is available electronically )

  1. CH and the Moore-Mrowka Problem PDF (with Todd Eisworth, to appear TopAppl)
  2. Tightness in sigma-compact spaces PDF (with Justin Moore) Topology Proc. 46 (2015), 213--232
  3. On subcontinua and continuous images of Beta R minus R PDF (with K.P. Hart, TopAppl 195, 2015)
  4. Set-theoretic update on Topology PDF (appeared in: Recent progress in general topology, III, 2014)
  5. Generalized side-conditions and Moore-Mrowka PDF (yay!) to appear TopAppl. 2016.
  6. PFA and complemented subspaces of l-infinity mod c0 PDF (accepted Journal of Logic and Analysis)
  7. A new Lindelof space with points G-delta PDF (CMUC 2015)
  8. pi-weight and the Frechet-Urysohn property PDF (2014 TopAppl)
  9. Tie-points, regular closed sets, and copies of N* PDF (submitted 2011, still in review)
  10. Reflecting Lindelof and converging omega1-sequences PDF (with K.P. Hart, Fundamenta 2014)
  11. A non-trivial copy of beta N minus N PDF (PAMS 2014)
  12. An Efimov space from Martin's axiom PDF (with Saharon Shelah, Houston Journal 2013)
  13. Efimov's problem and Boolean algebras PDF(with Roberto Pichardo-Mendoza Top Appl. 2013)
  14. Martin's Axiom and separated mad families PDF (with Saharon Shelah, Rendi. Circ. Mat. Palermo 2012)
  15. Proper forcing axiom and selective separability Selective separability and SS+ PDF (with Doyel Barman Topology Appl. 2012)
  16. Elementary chains and compact spaces with a small diagonal PDF (with K.P. Hart) Indagationes Mathematicae 2012
  17. Ordinal remainders of classical Psi spaces PDF (with Jerry Vaughan, Fund Math 2012)
  18. More on tie-points and homeomorphism in N* PDF (with Saharon Shelah, Fund. Math. 2009)
  19. Tie-points and fixed-points in N* PDF (with Saharon Shelah, Top. Appl. 2008)
  20. Two Applications of Reflection and Forcing to Topology from 1986


New papers

  1. Selectively Separable and SS+ PDF (with Doyel Barman, Topology Proceedings 2011) (a correction added)
  2. Complete separation in the random and Cohen models PDF (with Doyel Barman and Roberto Pichardo-Mendoza Top Appl. 2011)
  3. Ordinal Remainders of Psi spaces PDF (with Jerry Vaughan, Top. Appl. 2011)
  4. Mrowka maximal almost disjoint families for uncountable cardinals PDF (with Jerry Vaughan, Top. Appl. 2010)
  5. CH simple (with Roberto Pichardo-Mendoza) PDF (submitted 2008)
  6. More about spaces with a small diagonal (with O.Pavlov) DVI and PDF (submitted 2005)
  7. Cosmic Dimensions (with K.P. Hart) (arXiv e-print math.GN/0509097) DVI and PDF (submitted 2005)
  8. On n-to-one continuous images of beta N (with Jan van Mill) DVI and PDF (submitted 2005)
  9. a non-partitionable mad family DVI and PDF (submitted 2005)
  10. a paper with Geta Techanie on 2-1 maps under CH DVI and PDF (accepted Fund. Math. 2005)
  11. Voo Doo spaces and retracts (Voo Doo spaces are maximal extremally disconnected with no isolated points) DVI and PDF (submitted 2005)
  12. A Cp(X) space with the Lindelof property (with Petr Simon) DVI and PDF (accepted Top. Appl. 2005)
  13. Property D and pseudonormal in first countable spaces DVI and PDF (accepted CMUC 2005)
  14. Notes of Beta N from a workshop in Puebla PS and PDF probaby ps is better.
  15. A paper with David Fremlin about Efimov spaces in the random real model PDF (published in Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. (N.S.) 76 (2007))
    Many thanks to Carlos Ivorra Castillo for extensive correspondence leading to this improved version -- mainly Corollary 3.2.
  16. Two to one images of beta N minus N under PFA  DVI  PDF (accepted Israel J. 2005)
  17. Efimov’s spaces and the splitting number DVI  PDF (accepted Top. Proc. 2005)
  18. Efimov’s problem about closures of discrete sets DVI  PDF (Stud. Sci. Math. Hung. 2005)
  19. a paper establishing CON(weight w_2 is pseudoradial): PS ,  PDF,  DVI (Top. Appl. 2005)
  20. On maximal Realcompact spaces and measurable cardinals DVI and PDF (Top. Appl. 2005)
  21. A paper about zeroes of analytic and C-infinity functions (with S. Ganguly, A. Gordon, and S. Molchanov) DVI and PDF (accepted Appl. Anal. 2005)
  22. on Sequential order and Martin's Axiom DVI  PDF (Top. Appl. 2005)
  23. spaces whose pseudocompact subspaces are closed (with Porter, Woods, and Stephenson) DVI and PDF (Appl. Gen. Top. 2004)
  24. is P(omega) a subalgebra? (with I. Farah) DVI and PDF (Fund. Math. 2004)
  25. omega-far points in large spaces. (with Jan van Mill) (Top. Appl. 2003)
  26. Two results on Special points DVI  PDF (Fund. Math. 2003)
  27. a paper on pseudoradial in Cohen model: PS,   PDF,   DVI (Top. Appl. 2003)
  28. Yet another survey on Set-theoretic Topolgy for Prague Proceedings DVI PDF ( Recent progress in general topology, II, Amsterdam, 2002.)

Papers related to Beta R

Surveys and Notes on Set-theory

Papers about Beta N

Others in Set-theoretic Topology

Unorganized list

(some are missing>

Very Short Forcing Notes from Milazzo conference

Dvi file

Postscript file

A paper, in honour of Alexandroff, on C*-embedded cellular families

Dvi file

Postscript file

My remarks on the contributions of Wis Comfort.

Dvi file

Postscript file

My remarks on the contributions of Mary Ellen Rudin to Beta N



N* and R* need not be co-absolute



A paper about Radial versus Frechet (non tower filling forcing)



An (old) introduction to Elementary Submodels



Subalgebras of Partitioner algebras need not be partitioner algebras
(joint with Jinyuan Zhou: see also his thesis)



omega union {p} and pseudoradial spaces
(Joint with Jinyuan Zhou; see also his thesis)



Jinyuan Zhou's thesis (topics are: a non-representable subalgebra and the spaces N union {p} with respect to pseudoradial)



More Set Theory for Topologists (Lectures at the summer conference in Maine)



With K. P. Hart we have a new (ZFC) subcontinuum of R*



On the character of normal non-CWH spaces



On the sequential order of Compact spaces (Part 1 of ?)



Separating ideals of countable subsets of uncountable sets, with applications to extending continuous functions, and some remarks on Beta N



With Juhasz, Soukoup, and Szentmiklossy: Sequentially compact can imply pseudoradial for compact spaces for larger values of c



With Juhasz: Some results on Initially omega1-compact spaces



A modification of Solovay's lemma (preserving towers) applied to radial spaces



with Jinyuan Zhou: Two real ultrafilters on N



My article in the Recent Progress in Topology book: Set theory for Topologists



with Heikki Junnila and Jan Pelant: Weak covering properties of functions spaces



with K.P. Hart: R* is a universal continuum



email address:
Department of Mathematics
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Roberto and the TeX file

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